Good morning
On Friday, more than a month after the state ordered the reopening of most indoor businesses, Governor Gavin News unveiled a second attempt at an expanded plan to recreate California.
“We’ve learned a lot in the last month,” Mr. News said.
Gone is the county’s “monitoring list” system, which has been fragmented and criticized as confusing and fragmented.
Going forward, the governor said, there is a structure that tires each of the 58 counties in the state, which will determine how many businesses are banned.
Unlike the monitoring-list model, which was based on metrics that were difficult to parse, the new system is largely based on the new daily case numbers of 100,000 inhabitants, as well as the positivity rate.
[Track coronavirus cases in each California county.]
County public health officials are allowed to make their own cases to reopen the case; Counties will no longer be able to go to the less restrictive level unless they meet that level’s criteria for at least two consecutive weeks. And each county must stay at its current level for at least three weeks before moving.
If the number of counties deteriorates for two consecutive weeks, it will be moved to a more restrictive level.
“We will be more stubborn this time,” Mr News said.
The impatience of some industries and some small, large rural counties was criticized for being too hasty and move, rather than evidence of the state’s earlier steps to resume businesses. (This month, for example, the Los Angeles Times published this timeline showing how the rush to reopen businesses in Los Angeles County has contributed to the alarming spread of the virus.)
However, experts say there has been a serious focus on reopening unique businesses such as restaurants, bars and movie theaters, leading to stricter enforcement of restrictions on large essential workplaces, where low-wage workers were never competent. Stop working
This is especially true in the Central Valley, which has become the most troubled and constantly hot spot in the state.
[Read more about the state’s move to focus on the Central Valley — and why some said it should’ve come sooner.]
Mr Newsme said on Friday that “strike teams” of enforcement, including officials from various state agencies, had been aggressively spot-checking for months, but were “negotiating” on the expansion of enforcement capacity in the state legislature.
Here are the answers to the questions you have:
How did we get here?
In April, Mr. Newsom described the reopening of the hospital based on metrics such as case growth and death as described as a scientifically driven, deliberate phased process.
But in the months that followed, the complexity of reopening the state with 58 very different counties spread across a vast and diverse geography became clear.
Given the pressure from some professionals and officials, in most small, more rural counties, Mr. Newsom announced the process of resuming businesses faster than the rest of the state for certain counties, effectively easing controls and adding complexity.
The state then turned to the “monitoring list”, which ultimately covers 0% of the state’s population.
In July, as cases escalated, state officials announced that in many places the bar, which was allowed to reopen indoors, would have to be fed shutters. Indoor operations of restaurants, card rooms and movie theaters were also ordered to close.
The result was a kind of emotional and economic whiplash.
So what does level mean?
There are four color coded layers ranging from the most restricted to the least: purple, red, orange and yellow. (There’s no greenery, the governor noted – no county should see it as an opportunity to get back to normal.)
The counties have been put in a tire based on their recent new case number and positivity rate. They will be able to reopen approved businesses in their business as early as today.
But, for most Californians, whole flour won’t change immediately. The most restrictive level applies to 38 counties, including Purple, Los Angeles and Orange, which make up more than 80 percent of the state’s population.
In these counties, many types of businesses must be closed, unless they can operate outside, including rest restaurant rent. All bars, breweries and distilleries must be closed, even if they have an outdoor space. Still, hair salons, barber shops and malls can reopen indoors with a change.
The red, second most restricted level, including San Diego and San Francisco, has nine counties, where some indoor dining will be allowed starting today. Gym, worship houses and movie theaters will also be allowed to reopen inside the limited capacity building.
About a dozen smaller and more rural counties are in two minimum restricted levels, allowing them to reopen bars and other indoor businesses at greater maximum capacity.
Outbreak of Corona virus>
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated August 27, 2020
What should I consider when choosing a mask?
- There are some basic things to consider. Does it have at least two layers? Good. If you hold it up to the light, can you see through it? Bad. Can you blow out a candle through your mask? Bad. Do you think he wears it for hours at a time? Good. The most important thing, after finding a mask that fits well without gaping, is to find a mask that you wear. Take a moment to choose your mask, and find something that works with your personal style. You should wear it whenever you are in public for the near future. Read on: What is the best material for a mask?
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
- At first, the coronavirus seemed to be primarily a respiratory illness – many patients had fevers and colds, were weak and tired, and were breathing heavily, although some did not show many symptoms. Those who looked sick had pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome and received supplemental oxygen. So far, doctors have identified many more symptoms and syndromes. In April, the CDC added to the list of signs of the onset of sore throats, fevers, colds and muscle aches. Gastrointestinal discomfort such as diarrhea and ause baka have also been observed. Another telling sign of infection is that a sudden, profound decrease in one’s sense of smell and taste can occur. In some cases, adolescents and young adults have developed painful red and purple lesions on their fingers and toes, called “covid toes” – but some other serious symptoms.
Why does it help to stand six feet away from the other?
- Coronavirus is mainly spread through your mouth and nasal drops, especially when you cough or sneeze. The CDC, one of the organizations using the measure, relies on a six-foot recommendation on its feet that when coughing or sneezing, most of the large drops that people emit will fall to the ground within six feet. But six feet has never been a magic number that guarantees complete protection. For example, sneezing can drop as much as six feet, according to a recent study. That’s the rule of thumb: You should be safe outside six feet, especially when the wind is blowing. But always keep the mask on whenever you think you are too far away.
I have antibodies. Am I immune now?
- For now, that seems likely, at least for a few months. The second quarrel of Kovid-19 seems to have been a terrible reckoning of the people. But experts say that while these patients may have a course of pulling the infection, the virus takes a slow week to months after initial exposure. People infected with the coronavirus usually produce immune molecules called antibodies, which are protective proteins made in response to infection. Harvard University immunologist Dr. Michael Meena said these antibodies can only last in the body for two to three months, which seems worrying, but is completely normal once the acute infection subsides. It is possible to get coronavirus again, but early infection will make it possible in a short time or make people sick a second time.
I own a small business. Am I relieved?
- The stimulus bill, introduced in March, helps millions of American small businesses. Eligible for assistance are businesses and non-profit organizations with less than 500 workers, including sole proprietors, independent contractors and freelancers. Some large companies in some industries are also eligible. Assistance is being provided, which is managed by small business management, including the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program. But a lot of people haven’t seen the payout yet. Even those who have received help are confused: the rules are strict, and some are sitting on money they don’t know how to use. Many small-business owners are getting less than they expected or not listening to anything.
What are my rights if I am worried about returning to work?
[See the full grid showing which businesses are allowed to open under each tier.]
Will this have an effect on school resumption?
Chadwick Boseman was a private person by Hollywood standards, my colleagues wrote over the weekend. That’s probably why the 43-year-old actor died at home in Los Angeles on Friday.
But as many fans observed, he learned that he had colon cancer in 2016, before accepting some of his highest profile roles, including T’Challa in “Black Panther.” Which means it’s about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.
My colleague Wesley Morris wrote that it is a work of extraordinary black Americans portrayed with pride – and that pride makes it interesting.
Wesley wrote, “Boseman was no impostor. “He was a historian in his own way.”
California is alive today at 6:30 a.m. on Pacific Weekdays. Tell us what you want to see: [email protected]. Did you forward this email? Sign up for California here today And Read each version here.
Jill Cowan grew up in Orange County, went to UC Berkeley School and reported across the state, including Bay Area, Bakersfield and Los Angeles – but he always wanted to see more. Follow here or next Twitter.
California Today is edited by Julie Bloom, who grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from UC Berkeley.