‘Congress will do nothing at Big Tech because Big Tech has bought Congress’

During a Wednesday appearance on “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) spoke out against Big Tech, describing Google as “the world’s most dangerous electoral interference organization.”

However, he acknowledged that lawmakers on Capitol Hill would be reluctant to take on Big Tech since they were “bought” by those companies.

“Here is the message for the president: Congress will do nothing about great technology because Congress is bought by great technology,” he said. “But today we have shown that many of the largest technology platforms in the United States are not acting in the best interest of our country. They have withdrawn from Google’s agreements with our own military to keep our service members safe. But Google has no problem going and partnering with everyone’s Chinese military. Even General Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Google is directly benefiting the Chinese military. But it is not that they are only working with China, they are trying to turn our country into China. Google in particular is the world’s most dangerous electoral interference organization. “

“Sundar Pichai was at a meeting where his top executive team said they had to stop Donald Trump in four years and make his victory just a populist blip in history,” Gaetz continued. “And since then, he admitted that people can modify the search and change things on the blacklists, so he doesn’t see conservative sites like The Federalist, The Daily Caller, Breitbart and others that Jordan mentioned. And then, too You know, Mr. Pichai had to confess to the fact that I really believe there is a result that cannot be explained through these flaws in which the conservative sites we use to see in the news are now beginning to disappear. control what you see in order to control what you think and how you act, and a free society must oppose this. “

The Florida Republican congressman urged the Justice Department to be more active in its pursuit of civil action against the tech giants.

“Twitter banned four members of Congress during the Russian hoax: Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Devin Nunes and Matt Gaetz. That was not a coincidence, Sean, ”he said. And you know what? The Justice Department should investigate these important technology platforms and demonstrate that they are not biased. We have enough smoke. There is definitely fire. And I think the Justice Department should be much more active in this civil litigation. “

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