Congress passed the Stopgap Bill to avoid government closure; Coronavirus relief deal reached

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Sunday evening that lawmakers have reached a long-awaited coronavirus relief bill, although it will be hours before full details are revealed, Fox News has learned, according to Font News.

Legislators, meanwhile, passed a one-day stopgap spending bill to prevent a government shutdown at midnight on Sunday.

After days of negotiations, McConnell said he was “relieved” that the deal had begun.

N.Y. Senate Minority Leader Sen.  Chuck Schumer, December 15, walked on Capitol Hill in Washington.

N.Y. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, December 15, walks on Capitol Hill in Washington.

The House and Senate were expected to vote on the law on Monday. The relief bill should be passed by the House Rules Committee before it hits the House for a vote, although it is unclear when it will happen.

According to congressional leaders, the agreement will establish temporary leaders, with supplemental employment benefits per week and temporary 600 direct stimulus payments, subsidies for hard-hitting businesses for most Americans, and a new round of schools, health care providers, and tenants. .

President Trump has been pushing hard for months to send Americans much-needed economic relief, Ben Ben Williams, the president’s aide, said in a statement. We are waiting for Congress signatures to be sent to their desks immediately.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Califo. And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, DNY, said in a joint statement that his goal is to “crush the virus and put money in the pockets of the American people.”

“Today, we have reached an agreement with Republicans and the White House on the Emergency Coronavirus Relief and n Minibus package, which provides urgently needed funding to save the lives and livelihoods of the American people as the virus spreads.”

Sen. Shout out to Coronavirus Relief Bill: ‘This is done today’

McConnell said early Sunday that he was “relieved that we are hours away from the law.”

“For months, literally months, Senate Republicans have been seeking other target packages to reopen the job-saving Paycheck Protection program, spread federal unemployment benefits, fund K-12 schools, fund vaccine distribution and get much more help on the front lines.” As fast as that, ”he said.

Sen.  Pat Tommy, R.P., questions Treasury Secretary Steven Muchin during a congressional Oversight Commission hearing on Capitol Hill, Washington.  (AP, Sarah Silbiger / Washington Washington Post by Pool)

Sen. Pat Tommy, R.P., questions Treasury Secretary Steven Muchin during a congressional Oversight Commission hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP, Sarah Silbiger / Washington Washington Post by Pool)

The senators spoke on Capitol Hill late Saturday night while Sen. Pat Tumi, R-Pay. The Senate hit the Senate floor with a list of complaints on the 900 billion package.

But Fox News learned late Saturday night that Tumey had agreed to compromise with language from his initial proposal that would have prevented the Federal Reserve chairman from setting up federal lending programs to help work in credit markets during the massive U.S. economic shutdown in March.

“These new emergency financing facilities were always slated for sunset later this year,” McConnell said Sunday. “Sen. Tommy and our Democratic colleagues have landed on the language of compromise that ensures that, in fact, this will happen. It also directs the passive money in these accounts to the immediate needs of working Americans and ensures that these terminated programs only Cannot be restarted or cloned without a second authorization from Congress, while protecting both the independence of the Federal Reserve and the proper authority of Congress. “

Blank, dependent, amalgamation of ancillary matters, agreed in report bill language

After discussions between Toomey and Schumer, a clear compromise appears to pave the way for a final agreement on the coronavirus package.

The ના 4,900 billion coronavirus bill was planned to be loaded onto the 4 1.4 trillion omnibus spending plan to fund the government by September 30, 2021.

Sen. The deal is expected to include a ના 600 check for most Americans, covering adults and children, unemployment benefits and an additional paycheck defense loan for small businesses, John Baraso, R-View, told Fox News Sunday. .

Kentucky Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks during a news conference with other Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill in Senate Washington, while Sen.  John Baraso, R-Wyoming, listens to the left.

Kentucky Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks at a news conference with other Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill in Senate Washington, while Sen. John Baraso, R-Wyoming, listens to the left.

Following the announcement, Schumer and Pelosi provided additional details, including 25 25 billion in rental assistance, 15 15 billion for theaters and other living spaces, 82 82 billion for local schools, colleges and universities, and 82 10 billion for childcare.

But Pelosi qualified that the bill was only a preliminary step, while his colleagues were told in a letter that “more help would be forthcoming” when President-elect Joe Biden enters the White House.

The bill was also an engine to carry on Capitol Hill’s unfinished business, including a -00-page water resources bill, with a target of 46 10 billion for Army 46 Army Corps Engineers Engineers flood control, environmental and maritime security projects. The second addition will soon add a group of finishing breaks, including craft brewers, wineries and distillers.

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The House Democrats passed the Tr 3 Trillion Heroes Act, which was rejected by Senate Republicans in favor of a targeted approach to helping the American people and businesses.

Caitlin McFall, Chad Pergram, Ron Blitzer and Jason Donner of Fox News contributed to this report.