Congress agrees to 900 900 billion for coronavirus relief, including bonus unemployment benefits, $ 600 stimulus check

WASHINGTON – Top Capitol Hill negotiators on Sunday sealed a deal on an economic relief package of nearly 1 1 trillion COVID-19, eventually providing long-term assistance to businesses and individuals and providing money to vaccinate a nation eager for them.

The agreement, announced by congressional leaders, will set up a temporary $ 300 for a week’s supplemental job benefits and provide a round of subsidies for hard-hit businesses and funding for schools, health care providers and tenants, with a direct stimulus payment of 600 to most Americans. Will come. Expelled .to face

That came after months of fighting and posture, but the dynamics of negotiations in favor of Republicans changed after the election and near the end of the congressional session. Despite being less than half the size of what Democrats want this fall, President-elect Joe Biden was eager for long-awaited aid to suffering victims and deals to boost the economy.

House leaders informed legislators that they would vote on the law on Monday, and the Senate is also expected to vote on Monday. Lawmakers and Washington were eager to leave Washington and end a tumultuous year.

“There will be another big rescue package for the American people,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-K. “It’s full of fighting policies that have helped struggling Americans who have already waited too long.”

The fight against the Federal Reserve Emergency Powers was resolved Saturday night by the Senate’s top Democrat, New York’s Chuck Schumer, and Pennsylvania’s Conservative Republican Pat Petue. That success led to a final round of talks on Sunday.

However, delays in finalizing the deal prompted the House to pass a one-day stopgap spending bill to prevent a government shutdown at midnight on Sunday. The Senate is also expected to pass the move on Sunday night.

The final agreement will be the largest cost measure yet. It linked the Covid-19 relief to a 1. 4.4 trillion government-wide funding scheme and a number of unrelated measures on taxes, health, infrastructure and education. The government will remain open until September with extensive government funding.

The increase in coronavirus cases and deaths was due to the passage and evidence that the economy was struggling. The law was held by months of inaction, stamping and bad faith. But negotiations have become more serious in recent days as legislators from both parties have finally faced acting deadlines before leaving Washington for Christmas.

“This is a good bill. Tonight is a good night. “But that’s not the end of the story, it’s not the end of the work,” Schumer told reporters. “Anyone who thinks this bill is enough doesn’t know what’s going on in America.”

The weekly Bon 300 bonus unemployment benefit is a supplementary federal unemployment benefit provided under the 8 1.8 billion Carriage Act in March and will be limited to 11 weeks instead of 16 weeks. Straight to most people. The stimulus payment of 600 will also be half the amount of the March payment, subject to the income limit in which a person’s payment can start after ‘s 75,000.

The law was credited with preventing the economy from descending from a peak amid widespread lockouts this spring, but Republicans controlling the Senate are pushing for democratic demands, citing debt concerns. Republican politicians, starting with President Donald Trump, will focus more on reopening the economy and less on complementary employment benefits on salaries provided by taxpayers.

Lawmakers had hoped the bill would pass this week and avoid the need for a stopgap spending bill, but progress slowed as Tume pushed for the inclusion of a provision to close the Fed’s lending facilities. Democrats and the White House said it was in very broad terms and would tie the hand of the incoming Biden administration, but jumped on the Republican Tome status.

Late breaking decisions will limit bonus employment benefits per bonus of 300 per week – a half-complementary federal unemployment benefit provided under the Care Act in March – 10 weeks instead of the previous 16 weeks. Straight to most people. The stimulus payment of 600 will be half of the March payment, subject to the income limit in which the person’s payment begins after ‘s 75,000.

Following the announcement, Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Released additional details, including 25 25 billion in rental aid, 15 15 billion for theaters and other living spaces, 82 82 billion for local schools, colleges and universities, and 10 10 billion. Included. Child care.

Still, the Democrats wanted more. Pelosi, in a letter to colleagues, called the package an initial step. “In 1 day, as soon as BD enters the White House, more help will come,” Pelosi said.

The governmentwide Approval Bill will fund the agencies next September. The move was expected to pay Trump the last $ 1.4 billion installment for the US-Mexico border wall as a condition for winning his signature.

The bill was an engine to carry much of Capitol Hill’s unfinished business, including a nearly 400-page water resources bill, with 46 Army Corps Engineers targeting ડો 10 billion for flood control, environmental and maritime security projects. The second addition will soon add a group of finishing breaks, including craft brewers, wineries and distillers.

It will include a number of clean debt provisions, 7 7 billion to expand broadband reach, 4 4 billion to help other nations vaccinate their people, and 27 27 billion for highways, cash-hungry transportation systems, Amtrak and airports.

Democrats failed in a month-long battle to provide direct financial relief to states and local governments, but they successfully pushed for 22 22 billion that would help states and local governments cover COVID-19-related health costs.

The rush at the end of the session also promised relief for victims of shockingly staggering medical bills, an event that often happens when providers opt out of the insurance company network.