Compromise of general relativity equations to break down black holes

The final explosion of a binary black hole

From the inspirational animation of a binary black hole with a mass ratio of 128: 1, the beginning of the final burst of gravitational waves is shown. Credit: Carlos Lusto, James Haley, RIT

The final dance of unequal black hole partners

Rochester Institute of Technology scientists perform the first simulation of a large ratio Black hole Merger on Frontera.

Solving common relativity equations is not an easy task to collide with black holes.

Physicists began using supercomputers back in the 1960s to solve such a difficult problem. In 2000, no solutions were in sight, Kip Thorne, one of the 2018 Nobel laureates and designers LIGO, Famous bet that there will be an observation Gravitational waves Before reaching a statistical settlement.

In 2005, when Carlos Lusto, then at the University of Texas, at Brownsville, and his team created a solution using the Lonestar supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, he lost that bet. (Together, on groups NASA And Caltech get independent solutions.)

Lusto was in shock in 2015, when the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) first observed such waves.

“We realized it was really out of nature and not inputting our simulation as a test,” said Losto, a professor of mathematics at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). You can see with your own eyes that it was a merger of two black holes. ”

Lusto is back with a new statistical relativity threshold, this time mimicking a black hole merging where the mass of a large black hole is 128 to 1 in the smallest – which is a scientific problem at the very limit of what is possible to calculate. Its secret weapon: the Frontera supercomputer at TACC, the eighth most powerful supercomputer in the world and the fastest at any university.

His research was published with collaborator James Haley, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Physical Review Letters This week. It may take many decades for the results to be confirmed experimentally, but it nevertheless serves as a computational achievement that will help advance the field of astrophysics.

Turn on the big black hole Horizon

Color map of curves on the horizon of large black holes generated by nearby merged small black holes. Credit: Nicole Rosato

“The pairing of Model Dellings with black holes is a very computational demand because it needs to be maintained. Accuracy A wide range of grid resolutions, ”said Pedro Maronetti, NSF’s program director of gravitational physics. “The RIT Group has emulated the world’s most advanced simulations in this field, and each of them takes us closer to understanding the observations that gravity-wave detectors will provide in the near future.”

Ligo is only capable of detecting gravitational waves caused by small and intermediate mass black holes of approximately the same size. It would take observatories 100 times more sensitive to find the type of merger modeled by Lusto and Haley. Their findings show that the gravitational waves caused by the 128: 1 merger will look like any observer on Earth, but also show the characteristics of the final merged black hole, including its final mass, spin and recoil velocity. This caused some surprises.

“The speed of these merged black holes may be much higher than previously known,” Lusto said. “They can travel 2,000 kilometers per second. They pop out of the galaxy and wander around the universe. That’s another funny prediction. “

The researchers calculated the gravitational wave-profiles – the signal would be considered closer to Earth – for such a merger, such as their peak frequency, amplitude and luminosity. Comparing those values ​​with the predictions of existing scientific models Delo, their simulations were within 2 percent of the expected results.

Previously, the largest mass ratio ever solved with high-precision was 16 to 1 – eight times less extreme than Lusto’s simulation. The challenge of simulating a large mass ratio is that it needs to solve the dynamics of systems that interact on additional scales.

Like many field computer models, Lusto uses a method called adaptive mesh refinement to obtain specific models of interactive black hole dynamics. This includes placing black holes, the space between them and the remote observer (us) on the grid or mesh and fixing mesh areas with more details where necessary.

Lusto’s team approached the problem about a method he compared to Xeno’s first paradox. By halving and halving the mass ratio when adding internal grid refinement layers, they were able to move from a 32: 1 black hole mass ratio to a 128: 1 binary system that goes through 13 orbits before the merger. On the frontera, it requires seven consecutive months of counting.

“Frontera was a perfect tool for the job,” Lusto said. “Our problem requires high-performance processors, communications, and memory, and Frontera has all three.”

Simulation is not the end of the road. Black holes can have different spins and alignments, which affect the amplitude and frequency of the gravitational waves generated by their merger. Lusto will want to solve the equations 11 more times to get a good first series of “templates” possible to compare with future investigations.

The results will help designers of future earth- and space-based gravity wave detectors plan their devices. These include the state-of-the-art third-generation ground-based gravity wave detector and laser interferometer space antenna (LISA), which is slated to launch in the mid-2030s.

Research can also help to answer basic secrets about black holes, such as how some can get bigger – millions of times the mass of the sun.

“Supercomputers help us to answer these questions,” Lusto said. “And the problems inspire new research and torch students to the next level.”

Reference: 5 November 2020, 5th November 2020, “Exploration of Small Mass Ratio Binary Black Hole Merger by Xeno Dichotomy Approach” Physical Review Letters.
DOI: 10.1103 / Physivalet.1.11.191102