Common steroids reduce mortality in critically ill Covid-19 patients, new analysis confirms

In a study published in the medical journal JMA, several randomized trials involving more than 1,700 patients were examined. Patients receiving steroids are more likely to survive, and people receiving the drug have no indication of a serious risk of adverse events.

Of the 678 patients treated with steroids, 32.7% died. Of the 1,025 patients receiving general care or placebo, 41.5% died.

“The lowest thing is that these are the most sick patients who are treated with corticosteroids in these tests and the mortality rate is very high, in the absence of corticosteroid treatment it is about 40%,” said Jonathan AC Stern of the University of Bristol. Author of the paper. “Treatment with corticosteroids reduces mortality by 40% to 32%, it’s a relative reduction of 20%, or if you like a better way to think about it, an easier way to think about it, it’s to treat every hundred patients.” With corticosteroids, eight additional patients do not die. “

These results suggest that steroids should be part of standard care for critically ill Covid-19 patients, the researchers wrote.

“This study provides evidence and some hope that effective, inexpensive and safe treatments have been identified,” wrote Dr. Lily Prescott of the University of Michigan and Dr. Todd Rice of Wonderbilt University in an editorial.

The new analysis confirms preliminary results previously shared by researchers from the UK-based recovery trial; The results of that trial are included in the new analysis. In June, those researchers found that a low-dose method of dexamethasone for 10 days reduced the risk of death in hospitalized patients who needed ventilation by trial by a third.

WHO recommends Covid-19 treatment

Following the publication of new research, the World Health Organization on Wednesday recommended the use of corticosteroids in severe and critical Covid-19 patients.

In a global coronavirus vaccine effort led by the WHO, U.S.  Will not join

He does not recommend the use of these steroids in patients with non-severe Covid-19, saying that this is the area where more research is needed.

Other areas that need further research include the long-term effects of corticosteroids on the deaths and outcomes of Covid-19 survivors, and how drugs work with other treatments.

The WHO notes that steroids are listed in its list of essential drugs that are “readily available globally at low cost.”

The WHO has long known that it wants to study corticosteroids, according to Dr. Jan of the WHO’s Health Emergency Program. Janet Diaz spoke about the research on Wednesday during a Jamani incident. They are widely available and they knew people would use them.

Fortunately, he said, many investigators began studying these therapies, and they saw “this fantastic opportunity” to bring investigators together for meta-analysis.

‘Spine for the treatment of covid’

Head of Critical Care Medicine and Head of Pulmonary Medicine at AMA Interfero Medical Center, Dr. According to Michelle Gong, JAMA’s publications are the strongest evidence that corticosteroids can help covid patients.

Gong said she thinks that since the announcement of the recovery trial in June, most places have moved to use corticosteroids in Covid-19 patients – especially the weakest patients, but in which the publications have “integrated it more.”

Covid-19 patients in hospitals can always be treated with corticosteroids. But, for those who did not have conditions that would normally be treated with steroids, there was a question as to how much they benefited. New data show that even patients without corticosteroid treatment conditions in general can benefit from them.

“It gives us all a good basis for evidence of using corticosteroids as a backbone to treat covidosis,” he said, adding that the collaboration around the research was called a “truly significant international effort”.

Yet, that does not mean that all questions have been answered.

It is not yet clear which types of patients benefit the most or least or what the appropriate dose and duration should be.
