Coming soon to Danbury: John Oliver Memorial Sewage Plant

DANBURY – The city’s sewer city will soon be renamed after a cabaret performer who performed at Danbury during a show last Sunday.

Boughton shared a video on social media on Saturday night – his response to comments by late host John Oliver about the city earlier in the week – in which he revealed the new name: the John Oliver Memorial Sewage Plant.

“But why?” Boughton had to in the video. ‘Because it’s full [expletive], just like you, John. ”

The HBO cabaret artist went over a rant about Danbury when he spent several minutes in a segment about jury selection during an August 16 episode of the HBO comedy show “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.”

Warning: These videos contain some vulgar language.

‘If you’ll forget a city in Connecticut, why not forget Danbury, because – and this is true – [expletive] Danbury. From the charming Railroad Museum to its historic Hearthstone Castle, Danbury Connecticut can eat my heart, ”Oliver said during the segment.

“I know exactly three things about Danbury,” Oliver said on “Last Week Tonight” on August 16. USA Today ranked it as the one to best city to live in in 2015, it was once the center of the American hat industry and if you are away, you have a standing invitation to come from John Oliver – children included – (explosive) dy. ”

After Oliver said he knew three things, Boughton repeated the points in his response.

In his video, Boughton was quick to add another thing to Oliver’s list to remember about the city: the future renaming of the city’s sewer in Oliver’s name.

Boughton made the video in collaboration with WTNH, which announced the naming on Saturday afternoon and is scheduled to air the video at 10 a.m. Sunday on the Capitol Report’s political talk show.

On Friday, Boughton joined Hearst Connecticut Media Columnist Dan Haar in inviting Oliver to visit Danbury.

Last week’s performance was not the first time Oliver mentioned the city.

In a 2017 segment that criticized cities in the bidding war for Amazon’s second world office, Oliver slammed Boughton’s promotional video and asked Alexa where to locate the company as “almost too hilarious.”

But Boughton got the last laugh – ending his new video thanks to Oliver for that mention – since Amazon now says it will build a facility in Danbury.