Antioquia administered 7,293 new doses of the Covid vaccine


The most recent report delivered by the Sectional Secretary of Health of Antioquia indicates that the department administered 7,293 new doses of the vaccine against Covid – 19, a figure with which the department reaches 315,082 vaccinated.

Also read: How good! 280,000 new doses of Pfizer vaccine arrive in Colombia

Distribution of vaccine doses in Antioquia

For stage 2, this April 2, Antioquia administered 3,689 doses as follows: Medellín (2,230), Bello (236), Envigado (285), La Estrella (203), Girardota (58), Caldas (190), Barbosa (3) , Itagüí (103), El Peñol (38), El Carmen de Viboral (3), Marinilla (28), La Unión (25), El Santuario (6), Algeria (9), Guarne (112), Rionegro (10 ), San Pedro de Urabá (1), Vigía del Fuerte (7), Puerto Berrío (16), Puerto Triunfo (10), Yondó (1), Amalfi (1), Santa Rosa de Osos (6), Valdivia (8 ), Toledo (1), Santafé de Antioquia (69), Frontino (3), Amagá (3), Betulia (17) and Salgar (7).

The report also indicates that in relation to stage 1, Antioquia applied 3,604 new doses distributed as follows:

– First dose for first-line human talent: 471.
– First dose for adults over 80 years: 83.
– Second dose for first-line human talent: 567.
– Second dose for people over 80 years: 2,483.
