Cobra Kai Recap: Elizabeth Shuni Ali Mills Returns in Season 3, Episode 9

Main Karate child Deserves Finally Made it Cobra Kai First.

Season 3 of the Martial Arts drama hit Netflix on Friday and with it the Miyagi-Shlok lovers returned. Elizabeth Shunny Ali Mills, the former love interest of both Johnny and Daniel, returned to the valley to reconnect with her axis, offering an outsider’s perspective and a bit of wisdom, which helped snatch away the tensions between the two meanings.

Her return was very annoying in the second season of the series, which ended with Ali sending a friend request to Johnny on Facebook. But in the 9th episode of the latest run, Shu last appeared, arriving in time to unify the former Nemesis so they could start preparing for the big fight ahead: taking John Creez and Cobra Cain down once and for all.

Here, TVline executive producers and co-presenters Josh Hild, John Hurwitz and Hayden Slossberg talk about how they keep mum looking, why season 3 was the right time to bring it back, and why Ali “brought the power to the daily and It happened “with Johnny. ”

Cobra Kai Season 3 Ali MillsTVline | How could you keep Elizabeth’s return such a well-kept secret?
Healthy |
We have just threatened everyone! [Laughs] We discussed with all the artists: ‘Don’t post anything on social media, don’t leave a comment to your friends or loved ones. Please keep this secret. ‘We had [everyone] Sign a very strict non-disclosure agreement with uncertain results – I don’t know what they were – but it was enough that it obviously worked. We also led with a big hug just like, ‘Hey, look around and see how special this is. Imagine how special it would be if people could find it as a surprise. ‘We manage to do that with a lot of storylines on the show. We are probably annoyed to work at some level for the marketing department as we always request for the splashiest and sexiest moments to leave that marketing campaign altogether.

But we went back to an era where there was no internet. You didn’t have to be bombarded with new clips and eye-catching pictures every day, and a barrage of content that is now commonplace and needed to attract an audience in such a fragmented world. We remember going to the movies and discovering for the first time something that wasn’t in the trailer or the commercial, and how magical it was. It’s hard to pull off these days, but that doesn’t mean we won’t continue to do it.

TVline | I imagine it was just like the big Season 1 final revelation?
Healthy |
We did with the crease in the first season. Martin Cove is a great champion of the show, and we loved it, but throughout that first season, there were a lot of therapeutic phone calls asking him not to say anything please. The moment it is discovered, it will explode, and you will be able to talk about it forever because people want it. It will only get so big. So to keep it a secret with Ali, I would say this was a test balloon.

TVline | Any plans to bring it in at the very beginning? Why wait until season 3 to re-introduce Ali?
We reached [Shue] Somewhere during Season 2, no one there could see it after the show. We knew she was aware of the show, and she watched and liked it. We had good vibes about the possibility of being able to work with him when the time was right. For the fanbase following this story, hardcore fans, there is such a big moment to bring it into the story, so we really wanted it to be perfect.

We didn’t know 100 percent whether we would get it or not because there could be all sorts of external factors. But as soon as we got Lilizandi to do Season 3, it was one of the first things we discussed with Sony and our casting. We really wanted to make sure it would be there at the end of the season, and it would all work out the way you hoped it would when it came time to finish all this gold.

TVline | Using social media in the storyline that began in Season 2 seemed like the perfect way to harass her return.
From the beginning, we liked the idea of ​​playing her character very much, first, looking at her life through Johnny’s eyes, through social media. We feel like a lot of people can relate to it when it comes to old flames and friends from the past. We know Johnny is interested in her and we loved seeing her on Facebook and seeing her life which is mostly perfect. But then when you meet him at the end of the season, it’s not all roses. She’s dealing with her own issues, and this is her story that we put before her that I think she’s interested in, and something that relates to a lot of people. The grass is always green when you look at someone’s life on social media, and that leads to a lot of come medi, but some real moments with them. After all, of course, it was only poetry that had the power to bring Daniel and Johnny together at the end of the season.

Cobra Cai Season 3 Johnny AliTVline | Let’s talk a bit about Ali’s impact on Johnny. I love that line when she says to him, “You have a future to find,” as if she’s making her future a winner. What did he learn from her and why did he need to rejoin?
Hurwitz |
Johnny’s life has been chaotic for so long. He’s a guy who has committed suicide at some point in his life, so he stays in this place where he starts to associate with the woman and worries like, ‘Well, I can get seriously involved with someone, [and it’s] The mother of my top karate student / surrogate son figure, ‘There is a typical quirk. She has been clearly hung in one way or another for so many years, so that she can be seen again and get a little taste of the past with her, but even in the perspective of adult life it is not only strong for her. The side of his love life is also in terms of his approach with La Rousseau and Daniel.

His involvement in those scenes with Johnny and Daniel at the country club ends, which is why these two guys don’t even seem to take a moment to reflect on their roles and whatever issues they experience may feel like maybe they’re not so different after all. Still, she hasn’t seen them in so many years, just to spend a little time with them and remind them of who they were in high school, but she recognizes that maybe it can give them both a little wisdom that can help them move forward.

TVline | Why did you stop Johnny and Ali from kissing when they were on the bench outside the golf n ‘stuff’ scene?
Healthy | We almost went back and forth on the kiss and we probably got closer saying it could be a real kiss. Ultimately, we wanted to save the moment on the steps when she helped Johnny realize that his life was understood in it with Carmen, and we didn’t think he should be a little sad to get there. It was more of an emotional connection [with Ali] Than physical. It should be a takeaway there.

TVline | With Cobra Kai Already renewed for the fourth season, is there any chance that we will see Ali again?
Healthy | Except that we have a long story to tell, we won’t comment on what our future plans are with anyone with the legacy character of those films. We always keep the door wide open for anyone from the Miyagi-Shlok to come in and out of the series.