Coast wizards respond to Dest Crossover and King King’s concerns

While Gathering’s upcoming collaboration with Magic: The Wing King Dead featured some cool cards, a large number of Magic fans did not receive it well. In Twitch Stream, Coast’s Wizards have addressed community concerns over the Secret Layer drop, as noted by DotSports.

While Magic: Gathering has previously set up limited crossovers, such as galloping collaborations with Ponies: My Little Pony, these sets are usually form-bordered cards featuring unique art. The Walking Dead set has been revealed as black-boarded cards that are permanently in perpetual formats, mechanically unique cards that will open up new options for the game.

Fans are not happy that such cards have been released in a limited run set – like other secret layer drops, King King Dead cards will be printed for demand and then not released again. Other MTG players don’t like the idea of ​​mixing Wal King Dead Lor with the already rich and exclusive world of Magic.

On Magic’s official Facial Twitch channel, Blast Rasmussen, Coast’s senior communications manager, joined Mark Hagen, product architect, and Aaron Forsyth, director of Magic R&D, to talk about the new set and what the wizards were doing.

Forsyth talked about how the origins of the group and the main mechanics of the game inspired him to peel the world of magic from internal discussions at the WOTC. “There are a lot of partners who will create wonderful, fun magic cards, and we decided to try this before King Dead.”

Hedge added, “The world is kind of next to magic.” “It’s a world full of zombies and battles. ‘Oh, imagining what the card would look like wasn’t a stretch for us.”

When asked why the Wal King Dead set isn’t a silver-border like other crossovers, Forsyth said it doesn’t fit into this new set. “[Silver-bordered sets] “Usually things are designed that don’t work in a magic set with a black border,” he said. “With this Walking Dead set, it seemed very easy to create magic cards that work well in the rules of magic.” The final decision really makes them sure people can really play with the cards they buy from, he explained.

However, this does not mean that De De King Dead is officially part of the Magic Canon, though. Forsyth explained that the King of the Dead cards had a unique foil stamp on the bottom which meant they were displayed as part of a separate canon.

While nothing has been confirmed, the team of wizards indicated that if there is a high demand for the mechanics of those cards in a competitive context, the magic-specific versions of the Art King Dead cards will be reprinted with new art.

Secret Pre-orders of King King Dead Sets are now available on the Secret Layer with limited sales lasting until October 12.

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