Chrissy was admitted to Tygan Hospital after suffering bleeding during a recent pregnancy

LOS ANGELES – Chrissy Taig has been hospitalized in Los Angeles after suffering heavy bleeding during pregnancy.

The model and TV personality, who is expecting her third child with singer husband John Legend, was taken to Cedar-Sinai Medical Center on Sunday, where she was reportedly stuck at home due to a high regime, due to her recent pregnancy. Risk.

The mother of Lip Sync Battle and daughter Luna, 4, and son Miles, 2 – Tigan are sharing updates about her health problems, showing she’s been bleeding “a little less than a month.” Posts on Instagram.

“We all know I’ve been on a bed rest for a few weeks and it’s like a super serious bed rest. I got up quickly and just. I take a shower twice a week, take as little bath as possible,” she said from the hospital bed.

“But I’ve been bleeding all the time, all the time. I’m like half way through pregnancy and the blood runs like a month. Maybe a little less than a month. We’re talking about more than your period girls. It’s definitely not spotting. Lots. Everybody spots and it’s generally good. Mine was a lot. “

The 34-year-old Tigg explained that he was’ admitted to the hospital with a worsening bleeding ‘, compared to’ if you turn on a faucet and leave it there. ‘

Tegin urged fans not to diagnose her through social media and believes she has “very good doctors who know the whole story.”

The former Sports Illustrated cover star reassured fans that her “placenta is really, really weak” has not affected her baby’s health, “adding:” So I feel really good, baby’s healthy. More developed than Luna or Miles. “They move a lot, much earlier than they used to.”

“She’s so strong and I’m just so excited for her because she’s so wonderful and just the youngest dude. I can’t wait for her.”

Tigan is very open with her struggle to get pregnant. Both of her previous pregnancies have been through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The video above is from a previous report.
