China’s national security law triggers radical transformation of Hong Kong’s human rights

Despite promises by top Hong Kong officials that China’s draconian national security law, which contains 66 articles and criminalizes succession and subversion, to terrorism and conspiracy, would affect only a small fraction of its 7 million inhabitants, almost every facet of ‘ the once independent enclave – from education to civil society to technology – has been radically transformed in just over a month.

Annie Boyajian, attorney general at Freedom House, told Fox News that cases in Hong Kong are developing so rapidly that it’s difficult to keep track of all the flagrant violations of rights.

“And things have gotten worse by the day,” she said. “Authorities are engaging in an intense and widespread outcry over pro-democracy voices and expressions of dissent, and there is widespread self-censorship as well. As time goes on and Beijing tightens its grip on Hong Kong, we will make Hong Kong much more like it. mainland, with a greater number of arrests for anything that threatens the government or – in the minds of Chinese officials – jeopardizes its grip on power. “


The arrests for “collaborating with foreign troops” were rapid.

Leading rights activist lawyer Agnes Chow was arrested earlier this week, along with pro-democracy media baron Jimmy Lai – as well as two of his sons and four associates. Chow and Lai have since been released on bail, joining the ranks of dozens of others who have been arrested since the law went into effect.

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai, center who founded local newspaper Apple Daily, will be arrested by police at his Hong Kong home on Monday, August 10, 2020. (AP Photo)

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai, center who founded local newspaper Apple Daily, is arrested by police at his Hong Kong home on Monday, August 10, 2020. (AP Photo)

In a protest following Beijing’s apparent breach of a free press, hundreds in Hong Kong rushed to buy copies of its Apple Daily newspaper while protesting its arrest, sending shares for parent company Next Digital temporarily up, as per Wall Street. Journal. The collapse of Lai and his publication – which were also subjected to an official robbery – have prompted critics to conclude that this marks the very beginning of a media repression.

As part of the new law and the backdrop of national security, Hong Kong police are now allowed to carry out searches and seizures without a guarantee.

In addition, 12 opposition politicians – including former journalist turned freedom lawyer Gwyneth Ho – have also been barred from running in legislative elections, which have now been postponed for at least a year. The city’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, cited the coronavirus pandemic as the reason for calling emergency services. Double reasons given for their ban include “obstruction of government behavior.”


The new law also covers extraterritorial reach abroad – meaning its laws apply to everyone in the world, even those who have never been to Hong Kong before – and authorities have not wasted time on the provision to practice. Samuel Chu, a Hong Kong – born American citizen based in Washington and lobbying politicians over issues related to immigration from Hong Kong to America and the restriction of the Beijing government, is now – 6,500 miles away – wanted by his patriotic government.

“The arrest of Jimmy Lai was a big deal, clearly meant to cool media freedom and show that no one is above this new law. But Samuel Chu, a U.S. citizen living in the U.S., is accused, even though he will of course, never trying to be is a bigger deal, “said Walter Lohman, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center. “It demonstrates an intention to adapt the law-extraterritoriality and thereby force critics to self-censor.”

Protesters of pro-democracy, left and back, are surrounded by riot police during a news conference marking the one-year anniversary of the Yuen Long subway attack on Hong Kong subway station on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. A gang of men in white shirts grossed dozens of people at the train station on July 21 last year.  (AP Photo / Kin Cheung)

Protesters of pro-democracy, left and back, are surrounded by riot police during a news conference marking the one-year anniversary of the Yuen Long subway attack on Hong Kong subway station on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. A gang of men in white shirts grossed dozens of people at the train station on July 21 last year. (AP Photo / Kin Cheung)

He further stressed that people like Chu are also important links between Hong Kong and Washington.

“The idea is that you think Hong Kongers living in the US twice by targeting him before you participate in what’s happening in Hong Kong,” Lohman said.


Police in Hong Kong have also put their newfound powers into practice, searching the homes of at least 10 people – including lawyers – on “suspicion of inciting subversion.”

Schools have seen surprising amendments in just a few weeks, as Beijing proposes to reform its reputation and consolidate a sense of forced national pride. Scores of reports have surfaced regarding the sudden censorship of textbooks to teachers being investigated by authorities for using “wrong speech” when discussing the situation.

The Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union has complained that nearly 200 teachers were placed under investigation over the past year due to anonymous complaints regarding posts made from their private social media accounts. Last month, authorities took matters one step further and fired Benny Tai, a respected professor at the University of Hong Kong, who spent time behind bars to take part in pro-democracy demonstrations.

“What vigorous enforcement of the law is intended to change the political environment,” Lohman explained. “And it has had that effect even before it was passed, with people taking down their social media accounts, books being removed from library shelves, etc. So far, I have to say the situation is falling out just as Beijing intended. And Beijing is not doing anything. that is not considered safe. “

Even students have been arrested and charged with secession for posts on social media that are considered critical of Beijing’s uprising.

“Protesters are arrested for simply wearing t-shirts or holding signs with pro-democracy slogans, ‘sensitive’ books are removed from libraries and students are at risk of discussing certain political topics in class,” Marion Smith said. an international human rights activist and executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC).

Hong Kong Chiefrie Carrie Lam listens to reporters during a press conference in Hong Kong, Sunday, July 19, 2020. (AP Photo / Vincent Yu)

Hong Kong Chiefrie Carrie Lam listens to reporters during a press conference in Hong Kong, Sunday, July 19, 2020. (AP Photo / Vincent Yu)

Educational institutions – along with the rest of the territory – will also be banned from flying the Chinese national flag this week, and Beijing has further decided that the flag should play an important role in the class subject of patriotism.

Observers also emphasize that Hong Kong’s technology sector is – and will be – one of the most drastically changed components of society.

“Hong Kong’s social design has now changed. The ‘freedoms’ that people once enjoyed, such as being able to express themselves, have disappeared,” surmised Abishur Prakash, a geopolitical futurist at the Center for Innovating the Future (CIF), a strategy consulting firm in Toronto. “(And) many technology companies are recalling their presence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was the gateway to Asia for many companies. After this, it became a hub for innovation. Now there’s a ‘technical exodus’ taking place. Uber has moved its Asian headquarters no longer to Hong Kong. “

Indeed, several technology companies have already placed and abandoned since the law – which opens the floodgates for further surveillance and subjects even VPN servers to possible charges – was enacted in July. Others have gone to extreme lengths using encryption techniques to protect personal and professional data, although the physical hardware could still be seized.


On Thursday, lawyers for five former lawmakers affiliated with political opposition parties ordered a court to stop authorities from locating their phones, after a former magistrate gave unrestricted police access. Judges of the Supreme Court reserve judgment until the end of the month.

Washington’s once tight relationship with Hong Kong has also been significantly damaged.

This week, the US ordered that all imports from Hong Kong now be labeled “Made in China”, with effect from 25 September. This blow comes on the heels of the US government imposing sanctions on a number of top Hong Kong buyers – Lam is one of them – for diminishing political freedoms. This Monday demanded repayment from Beijing, which then dropped sanctions on 11 U.S. citizens, including Republican lawmakers Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

Supporters of Hong Kong's anti-government movement gather in Liberty Square to mark the one-year anniversary of the start of protests in Hong Kong, Taipei, Taiwan, June 13, 2020. REUTERS / Ann Wang - RC2F8H9ZDYKZ

Supporters of Hong Kong’s anti-government movement gather in Liberty Square to mark the one-year anniversary of the start of protests in Hong Kong, Taipei, Taiwan, June 13, 2020. REUTERS / Ann Wang – RC2F8H9ZDYKZ

The rapid outflow of people fleeing the former British colony is also said to be happening in frenetic steps. The Wall Street Journal highlighted earlier this month that the eviction community is shrinking, and recruiters are unable to persuade workers to stay in or move to the city swathed in tumult and uncertainty. The number of visas issued by Hong Kong’s immigration department for professional employment has reportedly fallen more than 60 percent from January to June compared to the same time period last year, partly due to the unrest and the global pandemic.

Yet from the lens of Beijing, Hong Kong residents are seeing “changes for the better” since the security law was enacted. State media have highlighted several cases whereby locals have “compared the Hong Kong National Security Act for special administration to a silver bullet as a caregiver who can protect their peaceful daily lives and freedom of speech,” and put an end to it. e many months of protests, unrest and “violent actions of assailants (who) disturbed the lives of ordinary people too much.”


But what will become of what was once a bastion of freedom, and intended to remain this way for decades, is yet to be determined, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) makes no secret of its desire for political activism and to impede free speech throughout the scope of the new law, which also means that dissidents can be called to the mainland to go to court.

“Hong Kong’s acquisition provides a fair test case, and its global ambitions are gaining ground,” Smith added. “Taiwan is probably the next target of Beijing’s repression.”