China’s ambassador to the US says the United States must make a ‘fundamental choice’

Cui spoke to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview on Saturday, after dizzying days in the sour relationship between the United States and China.

Earlier this week, it emerged that the White House is considering banning members of the Chinese Communist Party from entering the United States, and on Thursday the Chinese Foreign Ministry accused the United States of oppressing and intimidating China.

In response to claims by some in the West that under President Xi Jinping, China has become a firmer, expansionist and more repressive power, Cui said that “people must fully recognize the reality of today’s world.”

“We certainly have the legitimate right to make our country a modernized, strong and prosperous country, like any other country in the world,” said the ambassador.

“I think the fundamental question for the United States is very simple,” he said. “Is the United States ready or willing to live with another country with a very different culture, a very different political and economic system … in peace and to cooperate in so many global challenges that continue to grow?”

Hong Kong

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order revoking the United States’ special relationship with Hong Kong, arguing that a new security law imposed by Beijing means the city is no longer autonomous enough from China to justify special treatment. The special status had previously exempted Hong Kong from certain tariffs and granted other privileges.
US-China relations are at their lowest point, but Trump still seems unsure of how to handle Beijing.

Critics of the law say it undermines the political and legal freedoms that have existed in Hong Kong since Britain handed the former colony over to China in 1997.

The law introduces four new crimes: secession, subversion, terrorist activities and collusion with a foreign country, which carry maximum penalties of life imprisonment. It also puts foreign citizens who criticize the Chinese government anywhere in the world at risk of imprisonment if they step on the city, even if they are only in transit through its airport.

But Cui repeated what many mainland and Hong Kong officials have said in recent weeks: that the law maintains the “one country, two systems” framework that governs Hong Kong and will make the city “more stable.”

“People could have a more predictable and secure environment for doing their business in Hong Kong. That is the true purpose of this law,” he said.


On Monday, Beijing announced sanctions against US officials, including Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, in retaliation for the measures announced by Washington last week for alleged human rights abuses in Beijing in Xinjiang.

Washington’s sanctions on Chinese officials include freezing their American assets and a blockade that prevents American citizens from doing business with them. Those sanctioned by the US also face visa restrictions, preventing them and their families from entering the US.

China Announces Retaliatory Sanctions Against US Officials Over Xinjiang Measures
The US State Department estimates that since 2015 as many as 2 million Muslim-majority and other Turkish minority Uighurs have been imprisoned in huge re-education camps in Xinjiang, as part of a region-wide crackdown by Beijing. They are reportedly “subjected to torture, cruel and inhuman treatment such as physical and sexual abuse, forced labor and death.”

“I don’t know how absurd all these fabrications can be,” Cui said, adding that people based their perceptions or judgments on reports from “questionable sources.”

south china sea

On Monday, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States rejects most of China’s claims about the South China Sea. Beijing considers almost the entire 1.3 million square mile South China Sea to be its sovereign territory and in recent years has built military fortifications on several islands there.
In 2016, an international tribunal in The Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines in a maritime dispute, concluding that China has no legal basis to claim historical rights to most of the sea.

Cui said China “will not participate in such a decision” and that “it was not based on a very solid legal basis.”

“We have a very strong position on our sovereignty over the territorial claim in the region. And our claims have a very solid historical and legal basis. But still, we want to resolve all disputes with other countries, with other demanding countries through negotiations. diplomatic. “he said.

Cui blamed the US intervention in the South China Sea for destabilizing the region.

“Without external interference, the situation in the region was cooling,” Cui said. “But, unfortunately, countries like the United States in particular, the United States, are trying very hard to intervene, send their armed forces and strengthen their military presence in the region. The intensity and frequency are so high.”
