China bubonic plague spreads: Second village SEALED OFF as another death sparks lockdown | World | News

Unfortunately, a man in the town of Bayannur of the region died of multiple organ failures after contracting the deadly disease that caused the Black Death. Authorities tracked the man’s movements back to his village and sealed it. This is the second village to be quarantined in recent weeks.

Authorities in Bayannur said: “The residence of the deceased has been closed, and an extensive epidemiological investigation is being conducted.”

The statement added: “At the moment there is a risk that the human plague is spreading in our city.”

Last Thursday, another person died of bubonic plague.

This was in the adjoining town of Baotou.

Health officials in this city announced a villager who died of circulatory system failure due to bubonic plague infection.

Health officials then advised to evacuate the ordered village of Suji Xincu, where the deceased had first come into contact with the disease.

The reason for such extreme measures is because the bubonic plague is a highly infected and often fatal disease.

The World Health Organization, WHO, said: “Bubonic plague has left a case-to-death ratio of 30 percent to 100 percent as untreated.”

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The resulting prognosis is dire if antibiotic treatment is not sought immediately.

The last major outbreak of bubonic plague was in China in the late 1800s.

It was called the third plague pandemic and it caused the deaths of 12 million people.

During this plague that most affected India and China in the late 19th century, French researchers were able to isolate the bacteria that causes bubonic plague, and also discovered how rodents are a vector for the disease to kill. spread.