Young man who accuses the Carabineros assembly presented two new videos


New antecedents emerged in the case of Maximiliano Fraile, the young man from Concepción who claims to have been the victim of a setup by the Carabineros.

Friar was in preventive prison after being formalized for carrying a Molotov cocktail In the midst of a day of disorder at the University of Concepción, however, the Prosecutor’s Office decided not to persevere in the case, so he was released.

The change occurred after the appearance of a video from a Carabineros GoPro camera where a cashier is heard who proposes to load a backpack with benzine, with a bottle and a wick inside.

For this, last week Fraile sued those who are responsible for the charges of obstruction of the investigation and falsification of a public instrument.

Now the new antecedents are about at least two videos that record the arrest of Maximiliano and where you can see how a white glove fell off, which is then taken by a policeman who kept it in a pocket.

Christian Echayz, Maximiliano’s attorney, said that that glove never went through chain of custody and was never appraised by Labocar, like the clothes of his represented.

“The prosecutor at the minute of the arrest ordered Labocar to made an expertise to the clothing of the accused to determine the existence or not of some type of accelerator and that test was not made “Echayz said, adding that there is an account of three police officers, before the Prosecutor’s Office, who recognize the existence of the aforementioned glove in the first case. The complainant announced that this will be reported to the Public Ministry.

Karen Fraile, sister of the former defendant, confirmed that received the new videos in the hands of individuals.

Carabineros initiated an administrative summary while the Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation against the police officers.
