Woman files appeal against AFP Modelo after not receiving payment of 10% of its funds | National


A woman filed an appeal for protection before the Punta Arenas Court of Appeals, claiming that from the AFP model The legal mandate of subsection Seventh of Law 21,248 has not been complied with, that is, to deliver the money from its capitalization fund, nor is there to date a response that responds to logic or legislation.

In the appeal, the woman maintains that the AFP has been contradictory in its communications, and that in its capacity as administrator, in an illegal and arbitrary manner, She has not been allowed to exercise her property rights over 10% of her pension funds. The legal action has already been declared admissible, and should be resolved in the coming weeks.

This is the case of Alejandra Arenas Valdenegro, who has not been able to withdraw 10% of her funds from AFP Modelo, who after requesting the money that corresponds to her has received the respective notification on several occasions, however, to date no you have received the actual amount in your account.

It all began on July 30, when the process to request the withdrawal of funds from the mandatory contribution account was opened, an instance in which from the beginning the aforementioned AFP has presented problems that did not allow access or request the indicated withdrawal, being these obstacles of public knowledge.

In the case of the neighbor, after several attempts, she managed to make the pertinent request only on Sunday, August 2, due to the technical impossibility of doing it after the entry into force of the law, due to the inconvenience on the page dedicated to it. of the AFP Modelo.

After the above, he received an email the same day, in which he was informed that his request had been correctly entered, that during the next four business days his data would be validated and he would be notified of its status.

Four days later, It came to his email with a message saying that the request had been rejected, and the reason was that his financial institution would have problems with the account information.

On the same August 6, and using the same data provided in the first withdrawal request, he submitted the request again, however, this time he did not receive any confirmation by text message or via the web, as happened four days before.

Contradictions in the answers

Later, on the 8th of the same month, he received a message from the State Bank, indicating that he would be informed when the deposit would be effective. It was not until Tuesday, August 18, when she received an email stating: “Your request to withdraw funds has been accepted”, in addition to indicating how much money would be awarded and how many payments would be made.

The following day they notified him from AFP, also by text message, that 10% will be reflected in his bank account on Friday of that week. To his surprise, the deposit was never made on the defined date.

Worse was that on Thursday, August 20, he again received an SMS saying that “the money of your 10% has already been deposited and will be reflected in your account next Tuesday 25 ”, but confusingly On Sunday the 23rd an email came from the administrator stating that the request had just been accepted and that they would very soon communicate the amount and date of payment.

“The money has to be somewhere, but for practically a month since the process began, nothing has happened and I feel overworked by the system. I know several people, from other AFPs, who had no problems, as well as members of Modelo who were able to withdraw their money, and it seems to me a terrible sign in addition to the questioning that has existed in recent years about the actions of these entities, It is a collective feeling and seeing these signs seems terrible to me ”, criticized the affected neighbor.

“I feel like my money was stolen”

Alejandra stated that there have been a series of contradictory communications, in particular in the last two messages that reached her, where a payment date was first set (for Tuesday 25), which did not happen; while in the last message from the AFP there is no clarity on the certain date on which the payment should be made.

“I have seen through social networks that they do not respond,
I am not going to expose myself to queuing for hours, and for the rest they are responsible when one makes the request, following all the corresponding steps. I have a feeling that my money was stolen because it is nowhere, neither in the AFP nor in my bank account ”, he said, assuring that the health crisis has affected his finances.
