The Special Police Investigations Brigade (BIPE) detained a man accused of kidnapping and raping his ex-partner in the capital.

According to the victim’s complaint, the events date back to December 2, when she was suddenly approached while she was passing through Barrio Bellavista.

She was immediately forcibly taken into a private vehicle and taken to a home in the Lo Espejo commune, where she was kidnapped for three days.

According to her, in an oversight by her captor, she managed to flee from the property where she was being held and stamp the corresponding complaint.

Thus, the specialized brigade of the PDI made the arrest of the former partner of the affected.

“She states that while she was held captive at home, she was the victim of various sexual constraints and was also beaten, which was verified through the examinations carried out at the Legal Medical Service and at the respective health centers,” she said. Deputy Commissioner Claudio Caro of the Civil Police.

It is investigated if there are previous complaints against the accused, who maintains a police record for other events.