Without judicial permission, but with police support: they clarify inspection of homes in National Holidays | National


Given the questions raised after the interview with Radio Bío Bío of the Health Ministry, Paula Labra, where she indicated that the auditors are empowered to enter homes and check compliance with the plan “Fondéate en casa”, the authorities of the Metropolitan region explained the procedure again.

In conversation with It could be worse, the seremi indicated they are empowered to “make a search resolution, a search warrant that is signed by the highest authority, the seremi in this case.”

Given the above, the Metropolitan Mayor, Felipe Guevara, explained that “The police authority can enter a home to verify the identity and number of people who are at that address ”.

The above must be given after a complaint, for example, of a party or a ramada where crowds are being generated. “The police are going to come to that place to supervise what is happening there and of course they will take all the corresponding measures.”

What’s more, he clarified that “The health authority by its own means cannot do it, but yes with the support of the police ”.

He explained that if it is found that there is a flagrante delicto, which is the result of a complaint, what corresponds “is that the authority does the inspection and for that people will have to identify themselves and indicate the number where they are in that place.”

In the same way, he clarified that “No specific court order is required, since it is a fault that would be occurring at that moment ”.

In the event that the audited refuse the inspection, the police will carry out the procedure.

“I remind you that we are in a State of Constitutional Exception, therefore, the rules of that state are superior to the regular rules in which we are governed “added.

As indicated in Could be worse, the seremi Paula Labra insisted that “if it is necessary to enter a home due to a suspicion of flagrante delicto, be it in a restaurant or mass event, as the mayor said, it will be in conjunction with the public force ”.

“If the person refuses, we can sign a search warrant in which you can enter anyway and we can also raise a sanitary summary”, he detailed.

Finally, he stressed that “considering that we are in a State of Catastrophe, we have all the power to enter these cases, together with the police, without any document. You don’t need a court order. “
