To respect social distancing and other health measures regarding Covid-19, the Carlos Van Buren Hospital in Valparaíso organized a visit of the old man Pascuero to his patients from outside the enclosure.
For the above, the Fire brigade from the port city had his telescopic ladder, through which Santa Claus reached the window of patients admitted to the health center.
Children and adults welcomed the old Easter boy in their windows @Cooperative #CooperativeRegions https://t.co/Ac5FD7r3m6 pic.twitter.com/QrCxqAng6N
– Belén Velásquez Neracher (@belenvelasquez) Dec 24, 2020
Both children and adults enjoyed the visit of the Pascuero, while some of the officials appreciated the show from the hospital courtyard.
[Fotos] Old Man Pascuero arrived at Van Buren Hospital #CooperativeInHome https://t.co/VFwBHffKoh pic.twitter.com/gzwmRZTSQX
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) Dec 24, 2020