Hundreds of people march from the center of Santiago to the General Cemetery in the commune of Recoleta, in a new commemoration of the 1973 Coup d’état.
Like every September 11, various social organizations and political movements held a pilgrimage to the victims of the dictatorship in the capital’s cemetery.
The march that was carried out in a peaceful manner only registered small isolated incidents that forced the Carabineros to use tear gas in Santos Dumont street, a few meters from the cemetery and before the barricade installation in the vicinity of the enclosure.
Later, the incidents were registered inside the General Cemetery, and the Carabineros Special Forces with the use of the water launcher car entered the compound to arrest the protesters.
In this minute in the General Cemetery# 11 of September #ApprovedWithMemory #FearlessApprove pic.twitter.com/klCsXvpPm0
– Enrique CH-7 #Approve (@ khorll_59) September 11, 2020
#Recoleta: at this time, COP Personnel proceeds with the purpose of dispersing the hooded violentists who are seriously altering public order in the #GeneralCemetery. pic.twitter.com/qHjNWCoPMl
– Carabineros de Chile (@Carabdechile) September 11, 2020
Violent repression of the FFEE of the Govt inside and outside the General Cemetery while pilgrimage was held for the victims of the dictatorship and cripples of the social protest. Piñera and Pérez 50 years after the coup d’état continue to violate the memory of the fallen. pic.twitter.com/h9RLQYE0es
– Botticelli (@Aptimate) September 11, 2020
🔴Carabineros enter the General Cemetery in the middle of violent incidents after pilgrimage.
They stone the police force pic.twitter.com/zCjHmD14sv
– APRA ARAUCANíA (@aprachile) September 11, 2020
Now: Outside the General Cemetery in #Recoleta individuals install incendiary barricades. COP personnel proceed in the place due to disturbances to public order. pic.twitter.com/7EcnmpEen8
– Carabineros de Chile (@Carabdechile) September 11, 2020
Use of gas launchers between Recoleta Avenue and Santos Dumont, when the pilgrimage and mobilization to the General Cemetery take place.
🎥AgencyUno TV pic.twitter.com/aep7ejpyjk
– AgenciaUno (@agenciaunochile) September 11, 2020
⭕ [#NiPerdonNiOlvido] This is the level of control (or lack of control) exercised by the Piñera government against a peaceful Pilgrimage that goes to the General Cemetery. We are governed by the same ones who actively collaborated with the Dictatorship. # 11 of September #ApprovedWithMemory pic.twitter.com/LXwo6LOS1E
– JJCC Chile #YoApruebo #NuevaConstitucion (@jjcc_chile) September 11, 2020
NOW | March / Romeria advances towards Recoleta Avenue to reach the General Cemetery (11:48)# 11deSeptember1973 #GolpeMilitar pic.twitter.com/kfqmPMoJMd
– PIENSAPRENSA 222,7 thousand Followers (@PiensaPrensa) September 11, 2020
President of the Communist party during a tribute to the fallen at the monument to Salvador Allende: