With “legislative technique” to circumvent the TC: PPD presents project that allows the third withdrawal


A group of PPD parliamentarians presented a new bill on Thursday that allows contributors to the pension system to make a third withdrawal of 10 percent of the funds.

The initiative also includes members of the private pension system who have opted for some type of life annuity and also includes a “legislative technique” to bypass the Constitutional Court, if necessary.

The deputy Raúl Soto explained that “the first and second AFP withdrawal projects that many of us subscribed and supported were based on a transitory article to the Constitution that allowed to modify it only for the effect of a single withdrawal. This was questioned by the Government of Piñera, which was ratified by the TC under the argument that it was used in a malicious way to violate the powers of the President. “

The parliamentarian indicated that “however, we believe that if we continue to do the same, the result will most likely be the same, so we propose a different legislative technique that is a permanent reform of the Constitution, and not via a transitory article, which would have a quorum greater than 2/3 “.

In this way, this withdrawal will allow for a single time without a time limit, all members of an AFP or a Life Annuity Insurance company, to make a withdrawal of their money and that this is not necessarily linked to the health crisis and to the State of Constitutional Exception, but is for social justice.

The deputy Carolina MarzanHe pointed out that “if the Government makes a request to the Constitutional Court, it will not be turning its back on us, it is the community that is turning its back on us, the hundreds of families that continue to experience precariousness in our country, which are often extreme situations. It is a matter of going to the territory and seeing how the community asks us to approve the third withdrawal. We know and understand that it is not ideal, that nobody wants Chileans to use their own savings are saving an economic situation as a result of this pandemic. And yet, the Government has not given the width with the aid and we see that throughout the entire territory“.

Meanwhile, the president of the Labor Commission, Tucapel Jimenez, he assured that “I did not expect to have to legislate a third withdrawal of 10%, and that it is the people who should have to pay the costs of the crisis, but unfortunately the Government has not been up to the task. There are many who are already speaking From a third wave of infections, the communes in Phase 1 and Phase 2 continue to increase. We would all expect the Executive to deliver effective and rapid aid to the most vulnerable families, but since it is not like that, the only way is that we process a new withdrawal of 10% “.
