The World Health Organization (WHO) Denied the false idea that drinking alcohol is a way to protect yourself from the coronavirus. In a statement, the institution explained the reasons why drinking alcoholic beverages during quarantine is a bad idea.
“The WHO reminds people that drinking alcohol does not protect them from Covid-19 and encourages governments to apply measures that limit alcohol consumption,” the statement said.
It lists at least five reasons for being sober in confinement. The WHO considers not only physical, but also mental health.
“In confinement moments during the Covid-19 pandemic, alcohol use can exacerbate health vulnerability, risky behaviors, mental health problems, and violence,” they stress.
1. It weakens the immune system
According to the WHO, excessive consumption of these drinks compromises the body’s immune system and, therefore, “reduces the ability to cope with infectious diseases.”
2. Increases the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
In this case, the organization remembers that ARDS is “one of the most serious complications” of this virus.
3. Alters thoughts, judgment, decision making, and behavior.
4. Increase levels of violence
“It increases the risk, frequency and severity of perpetration of interpersonal violence, such as intimate partner, sexual, juvenile violence, abuse of the elderly and against children,” says the WHO.
5. It is associated with mental disorders
Isolation makes people at risk or those with an alcohol-related disorder especially vulnerable. Therefore, they recommend that medical and treatment services be alert and ready to respond.
Likewise, the WHO has been emphatic is to deny that the consumption of alcohol in high concentration can “kill” the virus. For this reason, they included it in their list of myths about the coronavirus.
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