24Horas.cl Tvn
In conversation at 24 Horas Central, the Minister of Government, Karla Rubilar, He referred to the criteria for decreeing quarantines throughout the country, how to deal with outbreaks in crowded places, and the government protocol for the gradual return to face-to-face classes.
Criteria for decreeing quarantines
The minister said at the beginning that “it is super difficult to explain when one has the feeling that total quarantine is the solution to the protection of people’s health and life. What we have been designing as a Government is a strategy. Quarantines are strategic, they are dynamic. They turn on, off, squeeze and release to allow us to stay with the coronavirus for as long as it will last. This means that we will last with the coronavirus for a long time. What we have been told is that the vaccine for a country like Chile does not arrive before a year. “
“What we have to see is a kind of analysis of the epidemiological weeks. These start at the end of December, when the Wuhan case begins, and we measure every week. We are in week 16, strictly speaking, evaluating the 17 , and is different from ours, because we left on March 3, “added the authority.
Later, the minister expressed that “one sees the number of infections per number of inhabitants, but one also sees the number of infections per square kilometer (…) One of the things that we analyze when we see the communes is the floating population and if it has attractions that will generate a greater number of people who go there. “
Then, as in the case of Independence, Rubilar explained that “A commune that entered quarantine and left, if required, will re-enter.”
“We have been evolving with the way we finally built this epidemiological report. At the time, what we did was build it by PCR, when there was diagnostic confirmation. We made a change, at the request of epidemiologists, to be more verbose in order to analyze the behavior of the virus and we said that we are going to put the cases when the symptoms begin. That means it is days before confirmation “, explained the minister.
Overcrowded conditions and lack of resources
Regarding infections in areas where there are overcrowded conditions, the government spokesperson stated that “it is very relevant to understand that when we face this pandemic we are facing it in phases, which are progressing. Today the virus is reaching communities where we are going to have conditions more adverse than in the first. In this context, we are going to have to take measures, such as what we did in Quilicura or Central Station, take people who are infected with coronavirus out of their environment and take them to health hostels, which are enabled for this. We have almost 2,000 places throughout Chile to carry people who do not have the conditions of a quarantine in their home. We also have to see the situations of drinking water, lack of personal protection elements, reduced space. “
“What we have said with this pandemic is that it has made the invisible visible: abandoned older adults, homeless people, migrants who are overcrowded and who have been there for a long time. This is not a current topic. In this context, we have to be able to get several things in harmony with society. The fear of death and sickness is very great; and it generates reactions on people who are very complex. It brings out the best and worst in people, that’s the truth (…) The call that we have to make to We cannot generate discrimination against people, whether they are Chileans or migrants with coronaviruses, ” added the minister.
How and when will the return to school be?
Regarding the Government’s announcement of the return to face-to-face classes, which will take place gradually from May, Rubilar said that “we fully understand the anguish and fear of the parents. In this context, President Piñera said that on April 27 there are no sanitary conditions and we are going to see if in May, if sanitary conditions allow it, a progressive return to classes. It is not defined because, obviously, we have to see how sanitary conditions are in May. “
“Today, with the epidemiological scenario that we have and apparently this kind of stabilization, it seems possible to think of May if everything remains the same, start small, very gradual in some communes that have the infrastructure conditions, because they have fewer students than the capacity of the rooms, or because they have few infections, or because the equipment conditions are (…) We have made efforts through tele-education through the internet, but that gap of inequality that exists in our country is very large “, expressed the minister.
Regarding the conditions in which students should return to face-to-face classes, Rubilar indicated that “we are obviously working on that protocol with the educational community, with health experts, with international experience and with clear work by the authorities We have to maintain social solidarity distance, and to achieve that, we can start with the schools that have more capacity and fewer students, or interspersed face-to-face education with distance education and thereby decrease the number of students, we can decrease the days, starting with one level in the morning and another in the afternoon … there are many formulas that we can build “.
Death threats against the president of the Medical College
Finally, regarding the death threats of which the president of the Medical College, doctor Izkia Siches, The Minister Spokesperson stated that “the Government strongly and forcefully condemns the anonymous threats received by the President of the Medical College (…) We make contact with her. Minister Mañalich immediately condemned this anonymous threat, the President received the information, Minister Blumel contacted her and put her in contact with the Investigative Police. We hope that the person found is found and that we punish him accordingly. “
“We also see with great concern that this is not the first case. It is one of many that authorities, public persons of all kinds have received for a period of no less time. Not just about the coronavirus, but about what we experienced previously on October 18 and other contexts, “added Rubilar.
Review the full interview.