What time is it in Chile ?: Check the official time of the country
Other recommendations
If you notice that your device does not display the current time, review the series of tips so that you do not have problems with the new winter time:
- Set the smartphone, tablet or computer to GMT -4 time zone
- In the case of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica, the time zone is maintained.
- In the case of insular Chile, configure the devices to GMT -6 time zone
- In the case of having programmed elements in the home, deactivate the automatic time zone configuration and make the change manually, in the equipment configuration.
- Incorporate the patches provided by the manufacturers of the operating systems of each computer.
- Check your Outlook calendar or other mail service to verify that the meetings are being scheduled with the correct time and not the old one, add in the body of the meeting invitations the time at which they will be held.
- Review the programmed elements present in the home, such as those that handle the home heating or garden irrigation, to avoid surprises.
#Time change ⏪⏰
This Saturday, April 3 when it is 11:59 p.m. we will have to set our clocks and devices back an hour to start the #WinterSchedule ☑️ pic.twitter.com/mlPh8yBOcS
– Energy (@MinEnergia) March 29, 2021