He Protection Bonus 2020, also know as Homeowner BonusIt is one of the benefits that the State grants to the most vulnerable sectors of the country and consists of a monthly contribution that is granted to families for a period of 2 years.
This contribution is also intended for those users who are participants of the program Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades, so the payment of the contribution is delivered automatically and you do not need to apply.
What are the requirements to qualify for the benefit?
The only requirement to be eligible for the voucher is to have accepted the invitation to participate in one of the Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades programs (Families, Abriendo Caminos, Calle or Vínculos) by signing the Letter of Commitment and the Intervention Plan .
As reported by the Government, these actions “once carried out, directly trigger the management and subsequent payment of the protection bonus.”
What is the amount of the bonus?
The monthly amount to be paid per household or user, varies according to each delivery and decreases over time.
- The first 6 months the bonus amounts to $ 17,970.
- From month 7 to month 12, the bonus is $ 13,676.
- From month 13 to month 18 the bonus is $ 9,402.
- From month 19 to 24 the bonus is $ 13,155 (value corresponds to SUF amount).
These values are readjusted on February 1 of each year, at 100% of the variation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous year.
Who can collect it?
The payment of this voucher will be made to that person who lives alone or to the corresponding member of the user family, and has a respective order of priority:
- Priority 1: Mother of people under 18 years of age or with a certificate of disability or mental disability or of people who may be the cause of Family Allowance (SUF).
- Priority 2: Woman over 18 years of age who is the head of the household or partner of the head of the household.
- Priority 3: Woman over 18 years of age who performs the function of housewife.
- Priority 4: If there are no women in the household who meet priorities 1, 2 or 3, the bonus will be paid to the man over 18 who is the head of the household.
- Priority 5: If the above conditions are not met, any woman over 18 years of age will receive the voucher. If a woman of legal age cannot or does not exist, it will be paid to any man over 18 years of age.
- Priority 6: If none of the previous priorities is applicable, the voucher will be paid to the person of legal age who has in their care a person under 18 years of age.
How can this contribution be collected?
The beneficiaries of Protection Bonus They can choose two payment methods: deposit in bank account or withdrawal in Caja de Compensación Los Héroes or branches of State Bank.
Those who prefer the deposit option, if they do not have a bank account, the Ministry of Social Development will open a Rut account of Banco Estado, for which they will have an additional monthly subsidy of $ 700 to make money transfers and issue cards.
For payment in person, the beneficiaries must go personally to one of the branches with their identity card and complete the procedure. For them, the term to collect their money is six months.