The Homicide Brigade of the Investigative Police conducted expert reports that led to the determination that there is no frustrated femicide in a case that happened this morning in Macul.
As reported early by the Carabineros, the 20-year-old woman who said she was 2 months pregnant reported having been stabbed by his partner on the neck, after the 35-year-old man jumped over the wall of his house to attack her.
After that, she called the Carabineros for help and was taken by uniformed men to a health center to verify her injuries. In addition, his mother pointed out to the press that I had lost the baby what I expected.
The expertise was left to the PDI. According to sources in the investigation, the civil police determined that the wounds were self-inflictedTherefore, continuing with the investigation was dismissed.
Likewise, it transpired that the complainant acknowledged the facts and that I was not pregnant.
Thus, the woman’s partner will not be formalized for frustrated femicide, as planned.