Voting on reserved seats for the constituent postponed again


The Senate Constitution Commission, which once again reviewed the constitutional reform that seeks to establish seats reserved for indigenous peoples, he finally postponed his vote so that, before deciding, the representatives of different indigenous communities tomorrow Wednesday.

The president of the instance, Alfonso de Urresti (PS), thus accepted the requests of Pedro Araya (Independent) and Yasna Provoste (DC), regarding convene communities that they asked to present before the parliamentarians.

“I have been in conversations with him Council of Atacameño Peoples and they are interested that the Commission can listen to them, because they have a point regarding the proposal that was originally made, which was the basis of the possible agreement of the 15 quotas, “said Araya.

“(I ask) to be able to extend the possibility that the Commission also listens to the community kolla, changa and aymara, particularly the people of Pica“Provoste noted.

It is expected that the project will be put to a vote in particular after these interventions in the next session.

Meanwhile, the Commission continues to debate the ideal formula for candidates with disabilities are included in the different lists, within the framework of the article of the reform in the matter.

The Lower House had approved a 10 percent quota for this group of citizens. In the instance of this Tuesday, the alternative of making gradual demands -3, 2 or 1 percent- according to the number of districts or pacts were presented.

Senator UDI Ebensperger light, that at first asked to eliminate the article of the reform on the matter, opened to support it but asked to reduce the figure, “Maybe starting with a relatively low percentage, that no one can take the risk of dropping a list because candidates cannot be met. You are running a serious risk in the political system. “

From the Government, they have already derived as a proposal the one certify the status of each applicant through disability pensions.

Likewise, the percentage of these people to be required in the Constitutional Convention, and if this requirement will also apply in the eventual payrolls of independent candidates.

However, the senator Jose Miguel Insulza (PS) warned that, for example, “in the Arica and Parinacota Region the most that could go on the lists are four, because they choose three conventional ones, and we put them as a condition that they have to look for a disabled person in order to be part of their list. We are going to be accused of putting more obstacles to the independents.
