What was supposed to be a virtual hearing for preventive detention became a scandal in Peru, when a lawyer forgot to turn off his computer camera and had sexual relations with a woman, in full view of all those involved in the judicial process against a criminal organization identified as “Los Z de Chanchamayo”.
The diligence was in charge of the Superior Court of Justice of the Central Jungle, of the Peruvian department of Junín. The lawyer involved was identified as Héctor Cipriano Paredes Robles. This is the defense attorney for the alleged criminal gang, who made the process go into the background, after the colossal oversight.
Media in Europe, such as El Mundo, from Spain, have reported the news, because everything was also being broadcast on the Judicial Branch channel.
In the video you can hear a voice that in a thunderous way rebukes the conduct of the lawyer who was not aware since he was in his personal affairs after his carelessness.
And it is that it was the same magistrates and defendants who began to alert the head of the Pichanaki Preparatory Investigation Court, John Chahua Torres, of what they saw.
Immediately, the owner gave the order for a recess to prevent the images from being disclosed.
Lawyer Héctor Cipriano Paredes Robles has sexual relations in full public hearing in the Junín region 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️👇👇👇👇👇👇 pic.twitter.com/Q96RxxitZS
– Fernan (@ Fernan96756347) January 29, 2021
By the time the hearing resumed, the judicial official requested the intervention of the Public Ministry. The lawyer went from defender to accused of “Lacking the honor and dignity of the profession and image of this Power of the State.”
The Junín Bar Association did not take long to make its discharges. The Superior Court of Justice of the Central Selva is also demanding a thorough investigation into this scandal.
“For me, it was forgotten but the crime of culpable exhibition is committed. It must be duly verified in investigations through the Public Ministry “Wilmer Concepción Carhuancho, dean of lawyers in the central jungle, was quoted as saying by CanalN.
“We strongly reject that conduct that has been disseminated by the media” and “we urge the members to act with honor, morality, probity and respect for good customs,” said the dean of the Junín Bar Association, Marleny Karinna Espíritu .
For its part, the judiciary revealed its disagreement, hours later, through a forceful statement.
In addition to qualifying the fact as “Obscene acts that violate public modesty and good customs”, the local judicial authorities decided to separate Paredes Robles from the process and appointed a public defender lawyer, while a decision was made on the actions of the lawyer, which was exposed and as evidence, this time used against him, in full hearing .
