It is common for social networks to report cases of unknown creatures that tend to generate a certain fear in people. Most are described as “zombies” or “aliens,” which may be unfair, sincee are living beings that have existed forever.
This particular case emerged on April 24, when a Twitter user published the image of a animal that seemed to have its bare torso (without fur) and wings.
“I need to know WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!” Tweeted the young man, receiving thousands of responses, likes and retweets on the aforementioned social network, although very few were right.
Specifically, the organization Sarawak Forestry Corporation confirmed that it is a flying lemur, species that is present in countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
The agency also specified that this is a photograph of the little animal that dates back to 2017, which was taken in a forest in the Batu Kawa area.
I need to know WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS! pic.twitter.com/bHOzuk8RvN
– El Gurú Martinez (@ElGuruMartinez) April 21, 2020
“The source of the registry could be located after intensive information gathering and research carried out with the assistance of other agencies. This was done in a house in Sg. Moyan, Batu Kawa. According to the statements of a family member, the Kubung (as the flying lemur is known in the country) was found near his home. Later they released him in a nearby forest, ”they explained.
To this they add that the flying lemur is currently protected by the authorities, so its hunting and marketing is prohibited.
“Kubung is a species protected by the Wild Life Protection Ordinance (ordinance), of 1998. According to said ordinance, anyone who hunts, kills, captures, sells, or is in possession of any protected animal will be guilty of a crime and will face a year in prison and a fine of $ 200, ”they noted.
According to Thai National Parks, the animal does not usually fly like birds or insects do, rather it uses its limbs to glide on the ground, being able to travel several kilometers a day.
“It is arboreal, it is active at night and feeds on soft parts of plants, such as young leaves, buds, flowers and fruits ”, they concluded.