Viña del Mar came back to life in its first weekend without quarantine: with restaurants open and an increase in tourists after the confinement


From very early this Saturday the authorities toured the coastline in Reñaca, Viña del Mar, a place that every year becomes one of the favorite destinations among tourists. On the ground, they inspected compliance with sanitary measures on the first weekend without quarantine in Ciudad Jardín.

On the occasion, the seremi of health, Francisco Álvarez, announced and explained under what modality and protocols restaurants, cafes and analogues will be able to operate in closed spaces from today and from phase 3 of preparation onwards.

“They will have to operate with a capacity of 25%, with the tables two meters apart from each other in well-ventilated places. At least they have to have 4% of the total ventilated area, either with doors or windows and they should not have any object that obstructs this ventilation where air and light have to enter from the outside to the inside of the premises ”, he stated the health authority.

He added that “they will have to operate with cycles of attention to users and customers, since every two hours, they have to sanitize for a period of 15 minutes so that another group of people can enter again and based on this measure, avoid contagions . What we have seen since this measure was implemented with open spaces, we have not had a single contagion or associated outbreak ”.

Meanwhile, the regional director of Sernatur Marcelo Vidal, said that “we are very happy because we have had a flow increase of 30% on the main highways that lead to the Valparaíso region. This is also complemented by a reactivation of the entire tourism industry. We already have hotels open, restaurants with very good news because as of today they can serve 25% in the premises inside, that is, closed premises ”.

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Lifeguards wanted in Viña del Mar

For his part, the captain of the Port of Valparaíso, Frigate Captain Ricardo Alcaíno, specified that “as far as the maritime authority is concerned, we are preparing the opening of the summer season. Applications were opened for lifeguard exams to enable the beaches and within the same context call for self-care and this self-care is transversal to everything, both in the health field and safety when entering the water ”.

Finally, the Minister of National Assets, Rosario Pérez, made a call to take care of public spaces. “We want to reactivate the economy and that is why we call for safe beaches, that is, the spaces that belong to all Chileans, in good shape, respecting sanitary measures and of course, a clean beach. Yesterday we had the visit of the minister of the environment, and the covid waste, the covid garbage, the masks is very important that we can throw them away where they correspond ”, he concluded-
