Giovanna Grandón, better known as Tía Pikachu, was in a demonstration near Plaza Baquedano when police officers intervened there and tried to detain her. A video posted on her Instagram account showed how the school transporter is on the ground while a group of police officers pounced on her, and then left, leaving her in place with her destroyed suit. Likewise, an official is seen spraying her with pepper spray after she confronted them. “Our demonstration is peaceful, with music and dance. Our group has been characterized by supporting the forgotten of our people; camps, towns, we have made common pots, children’s days. Gathering clothes and food, tools to cover the mediaguas. Violent repression must stop and be sentenced in the future, “said the post. “They tried to drink me, but since I was in the suit they couldn’t. They tore my whole suit to pieces, they kicked me. A policeman hit me with a combo in the face, then he threw pepper spray in my face and there I was,” he said. later Grandón to CHV Noticias.