[Video] Harboe lashed out at the Government’s agreement with truckers: “There are no Chileans with those benefits.”


Senator PPD Felipe Harboe considered the economic reparation agreement signed between the Government and the truckers to be questionable and disproportionate, which on Wednesday meant the end of the transporters’ stoppage, which lasted for almost a week. “There are no Chilean workers who have this type of benefits. What happens to the children killed by a ‘crazy bullet’? What happens to the dozens of people who lost their sight at the hands of the State agent? What happens to a group of people who are victims of crime, but since they do not have the strength to cut the roads, they do not have these benefits? It does not seem an adequate or proportional solution for the moment in which we are living, “said the former undersecretary of the Interior : “At the end of the day, it seems that this was not a security problem (to work on the routes), but a resource problem,” he warned.

