Víctor Pérez after threats to prosecutor Chong: “It lacks objectivity, but it must be respected”


The Minister of the Interior, Victor Perez, referred to the threats received by prosecutor Ximena Chong, within the framework of its work in the case of the adolescent pushed into the Mapocho River by a Special Forces official.

In a conversation via Zoom with members of the Foundation Jaime Guzman, the Government authority affirmed that, despite the differences, the persecutor must be respected, and, likewise, returned to support the uniformed man who was caught circulating near the prosecutor’s home, which was “charged without any evidence.”

“The episode that the national prosecutor has made known happened, that a prosecutor has been threatened. We reject it, whatever opinion we may have of that prosecutor, whatever discrepancy we have against that prosecutor“said the Interior Minister.

“We say and we have told you –I personally have told you– what lacks objectivity many times -assured- but she is a person, a prosecutor, that it must be respected and no one can threaten another in Chile“.

“It is a very different matter to link a policeman who goes down the street with his motorcycle as part of that threat without any proof. No one in Chile can threaten another and whoever does so must be punished. And the Public Ministry is the one that has to clarify this fact, “added Pérez.

“Today the great dilemma is whether we are going to walk peacefully in democracy or whether we are going to walk violently. It is a very dramatic dilemma that is facing our country, where there is a political sector that acts with violence and there is another political sector that does not believe in violence, but he stays quiet most of the time and that is very serious“, lament.

Constitutional indictment, “a political weapon”

Pérez also referred to the constitutional accusation presented by the opposition last Thursday, and assured that it is a “political weaponused in connection with the constitutional plebiscite and the anniversary of October 18.

“I believe that a political weapon that our adversaries use to try to disable the actions of the government. They have no foundation, I think it is only a political weapon to unite a political sector that is very disintegrated and that it has many differences, “said the minister, adding that the opposition seeks” cplacing sticks on the road, difficulties in transit to solve our problems through democratic means “.

Trying to disable the government, trying to behead the Carabineros de Chile 15 days before a plebiscite, 10 or 8 days after a difficult situation such as the social crisis that the country experienced last year, show that they are not on a path of agreements, dialogues and consensus“, he assured.

And the actions of the Carabineros?

The Interior Minister also analyzed the actions of the Carabineros in recent weeks, and blamed previous opposition governments for, only, triple the number of uniformed and with “zero” preparation.

“What is the situation of the Carabineros today? We have a difficulty. Nobody was prepared to face the pandemic, nor were we prepared to face the violence for which he left on October 18 … And less our police“, he asserted.

And why wasn’t our police ready? Because those who most accuse us today, ruled 24 years and in that period the only thing they did was increase the capacity of the Carabineros from 20,000 to almost 60,000 -he explained- that is, the speech of Aylwin, Frei, Ricardo Lagos, Michelle Bachelet, was 10,000 more carabineros, but: zero preparation, zero training, zero specialization, zero help them do a law enforcement task that is extraordinarily difficult and complex“, he lashed out.
