Via web: Sernac calls on all clients to provide data for the trial against Paris and Falabella | Economy


The National Consumer Service (Sernac) enabled a form on its website for consumers affected by problems in online purchases in stores Falabella Y Paris provide more details of the problems that affected you.

“These antecedents seek to favor the outcome of the collective lawsuits recently filed against these companies,” said Sernac.

In the form available at, consumers can inform and attach documents that allow to prove the damage and the problems they had with their purchases, and that gave rise to the legal actions. Mainly delay or non-delivery of the products and non-return of what was paid before the cancellation of the sale.

The Service recalled that these companies “Face a class action lawsuit after they did not present a compensation proposal for the multiple problems suffered by consumers in online purchases ”.

In the case of Falabella, the proposal did not meet the basic requirements of the Service, that is, that it be for all those affected and proportional to the damage. In the case of Paris, “there was not even a willingness to present a proposal in this process,” added Sernac.

“The companies did not provide information or it was insufficientTherefore, it is of special interest to identify whether consumers received a response from the company, the alleged compensations, and whether these were sufficient or proportional to the damage suffered, ”the agency stated.

The Service records more than 85 thousand claims against these two companies (only Falabella has more than 66 thousand).

Along the same lines, Sernac reiterated that this consultation is only to strengthen the scope of the claim “since the scope of a collective claim will benefit all those affected, whether or not they have claimed before the Service or filled out the form ”.

The lawsuits consider claims for delays in dispatches that occurred between March 1 and November 20, the date the class actions were filed.

For security reasons, the Service said, to answer the form it is required to log into Google with a Gmail account.
