No doubt My poor angel, and its sequel are some of the films most followed by Chileans at Christmas. In the second installment, where Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) gets lost in New York, the character of Brenda Fricker, a lonely woman who saves the little boy from the attack of the “Sticky Bandits”.
Fricker gave life to a person who used to walk through Central Park, who was nicknamed “The Lady of the Pigeons”, since she used to avoid humans and be surrounded by these birds. However, he manages to make a friendly relationship with the boy.
Recently the actress, 75 years old and resident of Dublin (Ireland), held in conversation with the program The Ray D’Arcy Show that this Christmas she will be as lonely as her enigmatic character.
“I would be lying if I said it would be a nice and happy Christmas because I’m older and I live alone. Everything can be very dark. I just turn off the phone and draw the blinds. I pre-shoot some good shows, have my dog, and get through it that way. I don’t want to sound negative, but this is a different Christmas, that’s all ”, Held.
In this sense, Fricker said that due to the pandemic, he will not be able to invite his friends to have a dinner either.
“I find the eve very difficult because there is no one to turn around to hug or smile. I can’t escape the bells ”, exposed.
In that same interview, the actress assured that she has great memories of Macaulay Culkin, who is currently 40 years old, although the two do not maintain any contact.
“I worry about him, but we are not in contact (…) I fondly remember his mother, she told me that they didn’t even have a washing machine until they hired the boy for the first movie, ”he said.
“They were so poor and had multiple children, so she struggled to handle everything; God loves her, ”he added.
It should be noted that the artist won an Oscar for best supporting actress for her role in the film My left Foot (1989), in which she played Mrs. Brown, mother of the protagonist.
On the other hand, this Thursday Channel 13 will broadcast My Poor Little Angel 2 in its prime time. The tape is also available on Disney +.