Long lines at embassies, consulates and hotels in 65 countries around the world were part of the journey of plebiscite of October 25. Thousands of Chileans living abroad exercised their right to vote and decided to be part of the historic process.
According to data from Electoral Service (Servel), the option I approve it prevailed among Chileans living abroad, with a total of 25,331 votes (82.17%), against 5,498 votes –17.83% – of those who opted for the Rejection option.
Regarding the body that will draft the new Magna Carta, those who voted for a Constituent Convention were the majority: 82.27%, compared to 17.73% who chose a Mixed Convention (17.73%).
In the case of Latin America, the I approve option swept most of the countries, as Argentina (86.48%), Brazil (74%), Uruguay (82.88%), Costa Rica (69.88%), Cuba (96.15%), Ecuador (60.3%), Haiti (66.67%), Honduras (67.86%), Mexico (84.71%) and Nicaragua (70%).
Even the trans-Andean chancellor, Felipe Solá, highlighted the “Exemplary civic day” that meant the constituent process as the preliminary results were released yesterday.

And although the trend was majority in favor of the Approval, there were countries in which the Rejection was imposed, specifically in four nations: Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama
In Venezuela were accounted for 248 validly cast votes and the Rejection won with 52.42%, compared to 47.58% of the Approval.
From the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, the President Nicolas Maduro He celebrated the results of the plebiscite in Chile and highlighted the “Chilean people who today (yesterday) turned to the streets and electoral centers to decide the future of their Constitution and put an end to Pinochetism.”
A similar situation was experienced in the other three countries, where Chilean residents voted in their majority for the option of not modifying the Constitution.
In Guatemala 72 people voted and Rejection was imposed by 59.94% compared to 43.77% of the approval. In El Salvador voted 63 voters with a result of 53.23% for the Rejection of a new Constitution and 46.77% in favor of a new Magna Carta.
In Panama, meanwhile, voters were 146 Y 53.79% of them were manifested by Rejection and 46.21% by Approval.
Likewise, the margin between those who were in favor and against the drafting of a new Magna Carta was narrow in five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic.

In the case of Bolivia – where a few days ago the presidential election was held that gave Luis Arce (MAS) the winner – the option I approve won with 150 votes, that is to say eight votes difference, in front of 142 obtained for Rejection.
In Peru, the option of modifying the current Constitution obtained a majority (52.5%) by only 22 votes difference compared to the alternative of maintaining the current Magna Carta (47.5%).
A similar situation was experienced in Colombia, where he Approve (56.15%) had 23 votes more than Rejection (43.85%).
The Caribbean island of Dominican Republic there was a difference of 10 votes and in Paraguay there was only one vote of difference between both options.
Regarding the results at the global level, a particular case occurred in Jamaica, where they were accounted alone eight votes and the option of Rejection won with 62.5% against a 37,% of approval.
In United States, while, the alternative of modifying the Constitution was a majority with 2,501 votes (62.87%) compared to 1,477 validly cast votes (37.13%). While in your neighboring country, Canada, he Approve obtained a resounding victory with 2,218 (89.26%) compared to 267 for Rejection (10.74%).
The approval was also imposed among Chileans residing in European countries, except Croatia, where both options obtained the same number of votes, that is to say, 13 votes each.
This day, the European Union He highlighted the Chilean constitutional plebiscite and described it as a “historic step”. The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, issued a statement stating that, “the Chilean people have expressed their clear option to begin the process of drafting a new Constitution by an elected Constitutional Assembly, with guaranteed gender parity,” while the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, congratulated Chileans on Twitter with a message in Spanish: “Congratulations to the Chilean people who have decided in an exemplary, peaceful and democratic way to start the path towards a new Constitution ”.
Chileans living in Asia were also present. In Korea, for example, the Approval obtained a majority with the 85.71% versus 14.29% of the Reject preferences.
In United Arab Emirates Y Lebanon Rejection was the majority with 51.22% and 64.71%, respectively.
A total of 59,522 Chileans living abroad were authorized to pay in 65 countries around the world for the constitutional plebiscite, New Zealand being the country that kicked off – due to the time difference – the historic process in which a total of 30,912 participated (51.93%) of Chileans abroad.
In the oceanic country, 858 votes were cast and the approval obtained 798 votes, which represents a 93.3% of preferences. Meanwhile, the Rejection had 57 votes, that is, a 6.67%.