Van Rysselberghe explained his controversial reaction after signing an agreement for a new Constitution


Senator UDI Jacqueline van Rysselberghe explained her controversial and commented reaction after signing the “Agreement for Social Peace and the New Constitution”. The parliamentarian talked about the viralized moment in the program Pauta Libre de Network, space hosted by the journalist José Antonio Neme, Mónica González, Mirna Schindler and Alejandra Matus.

We all saw your face that November 15, you were not happy signing that agreement. She regrets? Are you still very afraid that they will win other positions that are not yours? ”, Asked Mónica.

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To the above, Van Rysselberghe replied that he was never afraid. “What I had that night was disappointment, because we had worked a lot. We had all given a lot “he explained.

“Chile was burning on all four sides. We were with a fierce level of violence. Thus, when that night at 4 in the morning we signed the agreement, what I would have expected, they were speeches of unity “added the parliamentarian.

What happened to me that night was that I heard something completely different. I heard aggressive speeches, tremendously ideological. So what happened to me there was not fear, it was disappointment“, He concluded.
