Vamos Chilenos: What is the aid that will be delivered to the beneficiaries?


More than 7 billion pesos has so far collected the solidarity campaign “Vamos Chilenos” that is carried out this September 18 and 19.

The solidarity crusade seeks to help 80 thousand older adults over 80 who have been especially affected by the pandemic. How? The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, through its Conecta Mayor foundation, will create the Virtual Help and Communication Center called “Conecta Mayor”.

What is the aid?

This communication is intended to communicate and accompany the elderly through a device called CM Virtual which is specially designed so that you can use them with large icons, and critical applications.

The technological article has an SOS button where they will receive assistance in case of emergencies, which they can access quickly.

In addition, a food kit and special supplies for people of this age. The idea is that the aid can be projected in time.

How to make your contribution to the campaign?

Different national banks have set up special links for those who want to make a monetary contribution to the campaign. It should be noted that it is not necessary to be a customer of banking institutions to donate, as it can also be done via Webpay.

These are the banks enabled with access for clients and non-clients:

What are the data to make a transfer to the campaign?

There is also the possibility of making a direct electronic transfer to the campaign, so the data has been released to do so.

  • Ruth: 53,334,573-5.
  • Account number: 2020
  • Chile bank
  • Recipient name: Fundación Conecta Mayor
  • email: [email protected]

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