Jaime Arancibia Pinto, the visiting minister for human rights cases of the Valparaíso Court of Appeals, subjected five former agents of the National Information Center (CNI) to trial for their responsibility in the crimes of kidnapping with serious damage, application of torture and rape of a political prisoner from Valparaíso.
The magistrate indicted ex-agents Carlos Herrera Jiménez, Roberto Cartes Candia, Fernando Mc Farlan Aravena and Manuel Frez Torres for their responsibility in the crimes of kidnapping with serious damage and application of torture against Janet Jofré Waghorn, an event that occurred in October 1983 .
At this procedural stage, Minister Arancibia Pinto was able to establish that from the antecedents outlined in the preceding recital, it shows that the victim Janet Jofré Waghorn was detained on October 27, 1983 from her home located on Gran Britain Street, Valparaíso, by State agents.
The detail of the horrible torture
As detailed in the Constitutional Journal, they take her out of this building at the point of a submachine gun, handcuff her next to another detainee, put her in a car, put a blanket on top of them, being transferred to a place that she felt that some bars were opened, noticing later which was the headquarters of the CNI located in quiet Havana. In this place she is interrogated and tortured repeatedly, with forceful blows to her head, ear and body, as well as being submerged in a tub of water, a torture called submarine; She was subjected to repeated sexual abuse, they applied electric current to her on a metal cot – called the grill – where they kept her naked, and she always kept her blindfold.
After five days of having been in that CNI barracks, she is transferred to the Naval Prosecutor’s Office, being sentenced to three years and one day, with a remitted sentence, for the crimes of: Antiterrorist Law and the Arms Law.
As a result of the beatings, he resulted according to the Istanbul Protocol physical report with “physical symptoms and acute and chronic disabilities and allegations of abuse.” And according to the psychological report, the Istanbul Protocol resulted “with evidence of affectation in the emotional, family, social and psychosexual areas, as a consequence of the denounced events.”
In this way the crimes of: Illegal detention, Kidnapping with Serious Damage, Application of Torments and rape are configured.
Minister Arancibia Pinto ordered house arrest due to the health emergency of COVID 19 and given his age, except for Carlos Herrera Jiménez, who is serving a sentence for other human rights causes at the Punta Peuco Compliance Center.