Agency One
An 18-year-old student died this Monday after receiving a strong electric shock at the Las Nieves Industrial College in Puente Alto.
The victim was in fourth grade at the establishment, and along with two other colleagues was apparently in an electricity workshop, according to information provided by CHV Noticias.
The Superintendency of Education referred to the event, which deeply regretted the death of a student from the Las Nieves Industrial School in Puente Alto.
Reaction of the authorities
“Upon learning of the facts, we immediately filed an ex officio complaint to request background information from the establishment, internal regulations and action protocols, to investigate whether the school acted in accordance with educational regulations,” added the Superintendency in a statement.
As he added, “educational establishments must have in their internal regulations protocols for action against school accidents, together with a Comprehensive School Safety Plan (PISE), which clearly and organizedly indicates the actions to be taken in the face of a emergency”.
“For example, those responsible for implementing policies, plans, protocols; notify the parents or guardians of the accident; identification of the closest health care center and specialized care networks for more serious cases, and any other initiative that allows better care of a student victim of an accident of this type. Likewise, every educational establishment must have a first aid room, ”he said.
He also reported that in the next few hours the inspectors “will be present at the educational establishment to review the conditions in which this unfortunate event occurred.”
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