Unknown people tried to burn a family home with Covid-19 in Vallenar


A group of people stoned and tried to burn down the home of a family in Vallenar that quarantines after confirming that four of its members have the new coronavirus.

A member of this family contacted the mayor Cristian Tapia who denounced the attack on police to protect the home.

The communal authority commented that “unfortunately in Vallenar we have four cases of coronavirus that its genesis begins with a worker from Minera Escondida, in Antofagasta, that on April 6 he goes down to his rest to his dwelling in Vallenar

The worker, upon returning to her job, didn’t have the symptoms of the coronavirus, so it was detected as positive in Antofagasta on April 20 along with other workers from the mining company. Upon learning of this situation, the health authority of Atacama subjected all family members to analysis of which four members reported being carriers.

They are a minor, a 29-year-old man, a 32-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman, all of whom are the first cases of Vallenar’s coronavirus. The other five family members showed negative.

“It is a very hard-working family that has had to live through this complicated situation. I appeal to the people that this effort worker never wanted to infect her children and her granddaughterSo I ask the community not to crucify her, “asked the mayor.

Regarding preventive measures, the mayor stated that “from the same day that we met with the mayor and the health authority, (we asked) that you had to be very careful and that the protocols used by mining companies they must be very different due to the risk of contagion. “

He concluded by stating that “none of that has been done and now we have cases to regret
