University Clinic of Concepción confirms 3 officials with Covid-19: they are community infections | National


The University Clinic of Concepción confirmed that three of its officials are infected with coronavirus, but that would be community cases.

This means that they contracted the virus outside the clinic premises. They also emphasize that they have not registered hospitalized patients with Covid-19 for three weeks.

The medical director of the compound, Dr. Francisco Garrido, indicated through a statement that as a result of the normal investigations carried out on the workers, 120 officials were examined, of which two tested positive last Friday and one on Saturday, despite being asymptomatic.

The first two cases are closely related, so the doctor emphasized that it is necessary reinforce social distancing and avoid contacts when drinking coffee or a cigarette. Regarding the third case, this is not related to the first two.

“These cases should correspond to community infections since in the clinic there have been no hospitalized patients with positive COVID more than three weeks ago and all patients who have been admitted as suspects have been ruled out with clinical examinations, “added Garrido.

In this sense, he pointed out that they are certain that no patient with coronavirus infected officials, since for more than three weeks they have not had infected patients.

Product of the contagion of the three officials, another 16 are in quarantine, despite the fact that in several of the cases they are protected contacts, an issue that they are reviewing with the health authority.

In the document they emphasize that the units where the officials were strengthened, adding that none has had an exposure to the virus inside the clinic, but despite this, all are exposed to community infections.
