UN demands to investigate the case of a policeman in Pío Nono: Joins the list of causes of human rights violations | National


The Office for South America of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called for a comprehensive investigation, on the case of the policeman accused of attempted homicide against a 16-year-old youth, after causing him to fall from Pío Nono in Santiago.

According to the Office, the case of the Pío Nono Bridge is not exceptional, rather, it adds to the already extensive list of other cases of human rights violations by forces of order committed in the context of social demonstrations.

“The continuous and unconditional support to the forces of order and security is concerned,
because they are repeated behaviors. I call for the patterns to be identified and the causes that favor these behaviors to be analyzed ”, said Jan Jarab, in charge of the office.

“A profound reform of the forces of order and security is needed, which has as its pillars the professionalization of its agents, training in human rights, subordination to civil authority and especially, accountability mechanisms at all levels ”, adds the official.

The agency appreciated that the Prosecutor’s Office has initiated the investigation promptly, and expressed solidarity with the adolescent and his family
, holding that it is necessary to investigate.

In the statement, the UN asks not only to judge the individual responsibility of the police officer, but also to investigate the commanders in charge of the operation.

“The omission of assistance by the Carabineros to the victim is especially worrying, that she had to be helped by other protesters and civilian rescuers, “they say.
