U. de Chile: Capitano answers Sebastián Pinto very hard and ignores him for the bed


The controversy settled in the University of Chile after the former striker, Sebastián Pinto, affirmed that together with the campus the U, made the bed for Salvador Capitano when the Argentine was coach of the Blues, a process that ended quickly during the start of the 2007 Apertura of the National Tournament.

In conversation with RedGol, the Savior himself Capitano answered Pinto criticizing the ethics of the former striker and neglecting his quality as a footballer.

“I have nothing to say, it is repeated news. My answer is simple: someone who makes a bed within a group, to anyone, and comments on it after so many years, speaks clearly of what that person is “, said Capitano.

Sebastián Pinto and Mauricio Pinilla at the University of Chile.

Add that “A person who had a hard time being a starter and even had a hard time being a substitute spoke, what can I say … I would worry about what a Marcelo Díaz says and even call him to talk, but not a person who must be loaded with hate.

He continued to complement: “I have nothing to say about the players, I didn’t feel anyone’s bed. If this boy says it, it’s to advertise himself because nobody knows him or because he doesn’t play football now and wants to get a job as a commentator. I wish him the best ”.

On the other hand, Capitano valued his career as DT and recalled that for better or for worse, he assumed a university in Chile that was in a bankruptcy period between the disappearance of Corfuch and the arrival of Azul Azul.

“On my resume, if someone cares about researching my career as a manager, they will realize what I have done and what I did not do. There is no DT in the world who is the Messi who has won everything all the years of his life. I had to win and lose, luckily I had more to win in football. I directed in many countries in South America, Central America and Europe. I always tried to do things with great enthusiasm and humility, avoiding giving an opinion of a player who didn’t have good things for a group, that’s why I’ve kept it to myself ”, exposed.

Judgment: “They think after many years without assessing the situation in which the University of Chile was institutionally and economically, a large team and the things that had to happen. Nobody wanted to take the U because of what was happening, I put my chest and went to work in an adverse situation. It would have been different to direct the U when the investment group bought it, the shirts, the balls, the good hotels, things that we did not have appeared, and we put together a team as best we could.
