Two schools in the Metropolitan region in preventive quarantine after cases of covid-19 | National


Luis Campino Humanities Institute


At least two schools in the Metropolitan region had to suspend classes after the first day, due to cases of contagion of covid-19 of officials of these educational establishments.

These are the Luis Campino Humanities Institute of the Providencia commune and the Alto del Maipo School of the Isla de Maipo commune, which suspended their activities at least until March 15, according to the newspaper La Tercera.

“The preventive quarantine period ends on Monday, March 15, and must return to the hybrid mode on Tuesday, March 16,
as long as the sanitary conditions allow it ”, indicated the school located in Providencia in a statement.

For their part, from the establishment located in the Isla de Maipo commune, they explained that the official in question “has not been present at the establishment since Wednesday, February 24, therefore he was not in contact” with the 54 students who arrived. today Monday to face-to-face classes.

From the College of Teachers, its president Carlos Díaz, told the 24 Hours newscast that this situation was the “chronicle of an announced death” and stressed that they have insisted that the communes that are in phase 4 onwards have face-to-face classes.

“This is like a chronicle of a death foretold“We said it at the time, it seems very serious to us what the government is carrying out, trying to give a logic of normality when its own Ministry of Health is saying that the situation of problems”, he pointed out.
