Two inmates and four gendarmes are wounded in an attempted riot inside the Colina 1 prison – National


Two inmates and four gendarmes are wounded in an attempted riot inside the Colina 1 prison

The events began after the “resistance” of a group of inmates to a search and search procedure. Tvn


After 09:00 hours alerts will be activated inside the prison of Hill 1, after various incidents between inmates and gendarmes.

According to the background delivered by Gendarmerito to, the fact would have been a “resistance “by inmates to a search and search procedure.

“It was a general mutiny of the prison population”, confirmed Colonel Víctor Provoste of the Gendarmería de Colina 1.

“What happened is that during the night there was a showdown over a tower 4A rivalry. As a result of that personal situation of service, the 4A intervened, which generated the rejection of the prison population and as a result of the rejection of this tower, the other towers were folded“he explained.

Product of the confrontations two inmates and four gendarmes were injured, who were transferred to different healthcare centers in the Metropolitan region.

According to the latest information one of the gendarmes would be in serious condition, but out of life risk.

The provincial governor of the province of Chacabuco, meanwhile, confirmed that the situation is already controlled within the prison.

Showdown with Carabineros

In parallel, a confrontation was generated between the Carabineros personnel and the relatives of the inmates who asked for information about what was happening.

On the occasion the families accused that they were not receiving information to reassure them, causing a tense situation on the outskirts of the prison.

