The American President Donald Trump slipped this Monday the possibility that the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Be alive, ensuring that you know your state of health, while wishing you “good luck” amid speculation about your situation.
“I hope it is okay,” Trump said at a press conference on the White House lawn.
“I have a very good idea (of how the North Korean leader is doing), but I can’t talk about it now. I just wish him well. “ Trump said when asked about it.
The US president said that the media “will probably know in the not too distant future” about Kim.
News about the North Korean leader’s state of health have multiplied after his absence from the celebrations for the birth of his grandfather, founder of the regime, on April 15.
Minimizing the rumors, South Korean President’s special adviser on national security, Moon Jae-in, said Kim is “alive and well.”
President Trump said on April 23 that Kim Jong-un’s alleged health problems were “false” and expressed his wish that the North Korean leader be “fine.”
Both leaders began a negotiation process in 2018 that has led to two summits between North Korea and the United States: the first in June 2018 in Singapore and the second in February 2019 in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, which closed without agreement on the denuclearization process.
In December 2019, Pyonyang announced that it was suspending dialogue with Washington, although the U.S. government has attempted to continue the talks.