The Chamber of Deputies and Deputies rejected the project on Wednesday which sought to postpone the return to face-to-face classes until 2021 and which had been presented by parliamentarians Cristina Girardi, Rodrigo González, Camila Rojas, Juan Santana and Camila Vallejos.
The Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa, pointed out that “It is a good sign that Congress has rejected the parliamentary motion that sought to prevent the opening of schools during 2020 and it harmed the right to education of the students, who can return to classes this year safely, voluntarily and gradually ”.
“The project He had a centralist, rigid and totally incompatible look with what educational establishments need today, who want to open their doors to the extent that sanitary conditions allow. The Plan that the Ministry is implementing includes the needs of local communities, after having listened to teachers, attorneys, education assistants, supporters and epidemiologists among others, “said the Minister of Education.
After not reaching the necessary vote that would lead him to continue his proceedings in the Senate, the project was finally shelved.