This Monday, December 14, our country will witness a beautiful and long-awaited astronomical event.
We refer to Total Solar Eclipse, which will be seen in full in the regions of La Araucanía and Los Ríos, while the rest of the country will be able to see it partially.
However, one of the concerns that social networks have taken over in recent hours has to do with the weather forecast for Monday afternoon.
In that sense, according to what the Chilean Meteorological Directorate points out on its website, on Monday “the southern and southern areas of the country will be affected by an area of post-frontal instability, which will weaken from the region of the Araucanía to the south ”.
Then we leave you with the percentage of visibility that the Eclipse will have in each of our regionsas well as the weather forecast.
Arica and Parinacota Region
26% will be seen. The forecast announces a cloudy morning varying to partial after noon.
Tarapacá region
31% will be seen. The morning will be cloudy and will vary to clear during the afternoon.
Antofagasta region
42% will be seen. Skies are expected to vary from cloudy in the morning to clear in the afternoon.
Atacama region
55% will be seen. The skies will be partially cloudy in the first hours of light to later become clear.
Coquimbo region
It will be seen 66%. Skies will change from partly cloudy to clear after noon.
Valparaíso region
78% will be seen. Completely clear skies are expected throughout the day even on the coast.
Metropolitan region
78% will be seen. Completely clear skies are forecast along with temperatures that could exceed 31ºC.
O’Higgins Region
81% will be seen. Meteorology foresees absolutely clear skies for that territory.
Maule region
87% will be seen. Clear skies and temperatures of up to 29ºC are expected.
Bio bio region
It will look 94% (in Isla Mocha it will be 100%). The Meteorological Directorate announces that the skies for that day in the Bío Bío will be partially cloudy in the coastal and inland areas.
Araucania region
It will look 100%. For Temuco a cloudy dawn is forecast that will lead to a morning with overcast skies and light rain, turning to cloudy and occasional showers during the afternoon.
In the case of Villarrica and Pucón, a cloudy sky and weak rain are forecast for the early hours of Monday, a condition that -according to Meteorology- will continue throughout the morning varying to cloudy and light showers during the afternoon.
River region
It will look 100%. The overcast sky and the rain will be the “stone guest” as in La Araucanía, as forecast.
Los Lagos Region
It will be 93% visible. Overcast skies and rainfall are also forecast for the entire day.
Aysén region
79% will be seen. Rains are forecast for most of the day, and then keep the skies covered.
Magallanes Region
54% will be seen. Cloudy skies and falling water-snow are forecast, as well as winds that would reach 60 km / h.

It should be noted that the totality of the Eclipse on Chilean soil will begin at 13:03:44 (Temuco) that day.
To know the precise time of the peak point where you can see the Eclipse according to different cities, you can check the following list.
Eclipse peak
Arica: 12:44
Iquique: 12:47
Antofagasta: 12:51
Copiapo: 12:55
Vallenar: 12:56
La Serena: 12:56
Valparaiso: 12:59
James: 13:01
Rancagua: 13:02
Talca: 13:01
Chillán: 13:01
Conception: 13:00
Temuco: 13:03
Valdivia: 13:02
Puerto Montt: 13:05
Coyhaique: 13:10
Punta Arenas: 13:17
It is important to bear in mind that it will be necessary to use certified sun glasses, since looking directly at the Sun can cause total or partial blindness in our eyes.