Is Monday, December 14 a Total solar eclipse, one of the most impressive natural phenomena and expected by amateurs and experts in the field.
Where will it be seen?
The event will be observable only in some parts of the planet, such as French Polynesia, the westernmost area of Antarctica, the continental and insular territory of Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, parts of Peru, Ecuador and Brazil, on islands of the Atlantic and in the southwestern region of Africa.
However, among all those sites, the most privileged are Chile and Argentina, where in some areas of the south of both countries the eclipse will be total, while in the rest it will be visible only partially.
This means that, at the moment when the Moon completely covers the Sun, the darkness projected on the Earth (umbra) will be 100%.
The duration of the eclipse
In the case of Chile, this event will take place on a relatively similar schedule throughout the country, although it will vary in seconds and minutes depending on where one is located.
The phenomenon will have an approximate duration of three hours and, at least in the area where it can be seen in its entirety, mainly in the Araucania region, it will begin to be visible from 11:37 hours, reaching its maximum point from 13:00 hours.
Meanwhile, the duration of the total blackout will be between two to three minutes, also varying according to the area from where you look.
Check the duration of the eclipse in areas with 100% visibility
Check the schedules and the percentage of visibility in the rest of the country
Peak time of the eclipse
- Arica: 12:43 hours / 26%
- Iquique: 12:46 hours / 31%
- Calama: 12:53 hours / 34%
- Antofagasta: 12:50 hours / 43%
- Copiapó 12:55 hours / 56%
- Coquimbo: 12:55 hours / 66%
- Valparaíso: 12:58 hours / 78%
- Santiago: 13:01 hours / 79%
- Rancagua: 13:01 hours / 82%
- Talca: 13:01 hours / 87%
- Chillán: 13:01 hours / 92%
- Conception: 12:59 hours / 94%
- Temuco: 13:02 hours / 100%
- Pucón: 13:03 hours / 100%
- Valdivia: 13:02 hours / 99%
- Puerto Montt: 13:04 hours / 94%
- Puerto Aysén: 13:08 hours / 79%
- Punta Arenas: 13:06 hours / 54%
- Rapa Nui: 09:56 hours / 81%
- Juan Fernández: 12:43 hours / 91%
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